We know some children in Middlesbrough who are eligible for free school meals are not getting them.
If eligible children are automatically signed up for free school meals, no one will miss out. We're running a pilot project to see how well this works.
We're comparing information about families who get Council Tax Reduction to information from schools about their pupils. This is called a 'data-matching exercise'. It will help us see which children are eligible for free school meals.
If we think your child is eligible for free school meals and is not getting them, we'll write to you.
The letter will explain that we'd like to automatically enrol (sign up) your child for free school meals. We call them 'income-related free school meals' in the letter. This is because they're related to which benefits you're getting.
I'm happy for my child to be automatically enrolled
We'll apply for free school meals on behalf of your child. You do not need to do anything. Your child's school will let you know when it's done.
I do not want my child to be automatically enrolled
You can opt out by emailing fsm@middlesbrough.gov.uk, calling 01642 726541, or writing to: PO Box 500, Middlesbrough, TS1 9FT. Your letter will explain more about what you need to do.
You only need to contact us if we've sent you a letter.