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Green waste collections make annual switch to monthly calendar

Latest news

Tuesday, 19 September 2023
A green waste bin

Middlesbrough’s fortnightly green waste collection service is making its annual change to a monthly collection, with households receiving one collection per month in October and November.

Residents are advised to consult their collection calendar which is available online or via the Contact Centre.

They are also reminded that green bins are for loose, unbagged garden waste only - grass trimmings, plants, flowers, branches etc – and should not be used to dispose of other items such as soil and rubble.

Any material left at the side of green bins will not be removed - green sacks used previously and other sacks and containers will not be collected.

Garden waste can also be disposed of at the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Haverton Hill.

Councillor Peter Gavigan, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive member for Environment, said: “Autumn’s well and truly here again and the demand for household green waste collections is tailing off.

“Green waste collections revert to being on a monthly basis in October and November before returning to fortnightly collection in the spring - please check online for your collection dates.

“I’d like to thank everyone for their continued support for this important service that is helping to ensure Middlesbrough has a green and sustainable future.”

Updated collection calendars for the remaining collection days can now be viewed or downloaded online.

Any residents requiring a green bin or further advice and information on the disposal of green waste can call the Environment Contact Centre on 01642 726001.