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Reablement team

Reablement is a personalised, home-based service which helps you to live as independently as possible. Our staff work with you to assess your needs, and provide therapy and short-term support to help you achieve your goals. We can help you to learn, or re-learn, daily living skills which may have been lost through a deterioration in your health or a change in your circumstances.

We support people being discharged from hospital and a care home, as well as those who have become unwell or suffer from a condition which has made it difficult to cope at home.

The Middlesbrough reablement team are a Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered service, offering safe, effective, compassionate, and high-quality care.

  • Excellence - we are a high-performing organisation
  • Caring - we treat everyone with dignity and respect
  • Integrity - we do the right thing
  • Teamwork - we learn from each other to improve our service

What happens during reablement?


Reablement is intended to offer short-term support. Our staff will do an assessment to understand your situation and decide how much support you need.

Once we know what you need, our staff will work with you in your home. They'll help you to build your confidence, and develop skills which improve your quality of life, maximise your independence, and make sure you stay safe and well. They'll give you support and guidance, making sure you can do the maximum amount for yourself, and only step in if you really need them to.

We can provide up to four 30-minute scheduled visits throughout the day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year. The first visit takes place at 7:45am, with the last visit at 9pm.

Referral criteria


The home-based reablement service is available to people in Middlesbrough who meet all of the following criteria:

  1. In the opinion of a health and/or social care professional, they have the potential to achieve a reablement goal or goals.
  2. They are over 18 years of age.
  3. They live in Middlesbrough.
  4. They are in need of short-term support after being discharged from hospital, or they have seen a change in their needs or a loss of confidence.
  5. They agree to the referral, and to taking part in reablement.

You can only be referred to the Reablement team by a social care professional. You will not be eligible if you do not meet all 5 of the criteria.