Home Sitemap
About Middlesbrough
Adult social care
- Getting social care support
- Abuse and safeguarding
- Everyday living
- Middlesbrough Independent Living Services
- Older people
- Age-friendly Middlesbrough
- Accessing Change Together
- Adult social care booklets and leaflets
- Care Act 2014
- Carers
- Guiding Light project
- National data opt-out in health and social care
- Occupational therapy
- Shared Lives
- Tees Community Equipment Service (TCES)
Benefits and support
- Support payments
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
- Universal Credit
- Free school meals
- All forms and frequently asked questions
- Contacting us about your benefits
- Information for landlords
- Budget sheet
- Benefit fraud
- Benefit cap
- Bedroom tax (under occupancy)
- Our performance
Births, deaths, and marriages
- Cemeteries and crematorium
- Coroner's Service for Teesside
Middlesbrough Register Office
- Visit or contact Middlesbrough Register Office
- How to register a birth
- How to register a death
- Your ceremony in Middlesbrough
- Give notice of marriage or civil partnership
- Convert a civil partnership
- Request a birth, marriage, civil partnership, or death certificate
- Tell Us Once
- Citizenship ceremonies
Business and licensing
- Advertising and sponsorship
- Broadband coverage - public review
- Business Rates
- Security message for business owners
- Commissioning and procurement
- Cost of living information for business
- Find premises
- Food businesses
- Help your business go greener
- Grow your business
- Investing in Middlesbrough
Licences and permits
- Animal licensing
- Child employment and child performances
- Cooling towers and legionnaires' disease
- Tattoo, piercing, acupuncture, and cosmetic treatment registration
- Distribution of free printed matter (leaflets and flyers)
- Alcohol and entertainment licensing
- Environmental permits: Part A2 and Part B permits
- Fireworks licensing
- Gambling policy and licensing (Gambling Act 2005)
- Hairdressers and barbers registration
Highway licences
- Highway licence fees 2023/2024
- A board licence
- Road closures for events
- Cranes and equipment on the highway licence
- Demolition notice
- Hoarding and scaffolding licences
- Highway works licence
- Materials on the highway licence
- Road opening licence
- Street cafe licence
- Tower crane oversail licence
- Vehicle pavement crossing licence
- House to house collections
- Hypnotism licence
- Consultation on Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Policies
- Lotteries (small society lotteries)
- Market trader licence
- Pavement Licence (Business and Planning Act 2020)
- Petroleum storage
- Premises approval for marriage or civil ceremonies
- Public notices
- Scrap metal dealer licence
- Sex shop and adult cinema licence
- Sports ground safety certificate
- Street collection licence
- Street trading licence
Taxi licensing
- Taxi driver's licence
- Hackney carriage and private hire vehicle licences
- Private hire operator licence
- Taxi licensing fees
- Taxi licensing policies and conditions
- Public registers
- Transporting wheelchair users and assistance dogs
- Taxi licensing enforcement
- National register of taxi licence refusals and revocations
- Pay an invoice
- Purchase orders and invoicing
- Self-employment
- Start a business
- Superfast broadband in Middlesbrough
- Supplier Incentive Programme (SIP)
- Town centre support
- Trading Standards advice for businesses
- Trading Standards advice for customers
- Waste duty of care
- Workplace health and safety
Careers and job opportunities
Children, families, and safeguarding
- Children in care
- Early Help
- Fostering and adoption
- Abuse and safeguarding children
- Support for families
- Get involved and have your say
- Kinship care
- Children's care jargon buster
- South Tees Youth Justice Service
- Middlesbrough Children Matter
- Special Guardianship Allowance and Child Arrangements Allowance
Community hubs and libraries
- Library services
Venues in Middlesbrough
- Acklam Community Hub and Library
- Central Library
- Easterside Community Hub and Library
- Grove Hill Community Hub and Library
- Hemlington Community Hub and Library.
- Marton Community Hub and Library
- Myplace
- Neptune Community Hub and Library
- Newport Settlement Community Hub
- North Ormesby Community Hub and Library
- Rainbow Community Hub and Library
- Thorntree Community Hub and Library
Community support
Armed Forces
- Our commitment
- Support for the Armed Forces community
Useful contacts for veterans
- Education - information for veterans
- Employment and training - information for veterans
- Financial help - information for veterans
- General information - information for veterans
- Health providers - information for veterans
- Housing - information for veterans
- Mental health - information for veterans
- Social services - information for veterans
- Welfare and debt - information for veterans
- Community asset transfer
- Community grants
- Cost of living
- Middlesbrough Digital For All
- Foodbanks
- Keep Boro Tidy
- Riot compensation
- Stronger Communities Middlesbrough
- Support available for town centre residents
- Town centre begging
- Volunteering
Armed Forces
Council and democracy
About the council
- Council Plan 2024-2027
- Middlesbrough Council constitution
- Feedback and complaints
- Best Value Notice
- Council management structure
- Counter fraud
- Middlesbrough House Customer Centre
- Insurance claims
- Middlesbrough News
- Our new website
- Our stories
- Social media policy
- Council social media accounts
- Your MyMiddlesbrough homepage
- Residents survey 2023
- Statement on RAAC
Civic and ceremonial
- Cenotaph and books of remembrance
- Chair of the Council
- Civic events calendar
- Civic regalia
- Middlesbrough's coat of arms
- Commemorative plaques in the Town Hall
- History of Middlesbrough Council
- Forces champion
- Freedom of the Borough
- Latest news
- Memorial statues
- Recognising our local heroes past and present
- Remembrance Sunday
- The council chamber
- The council suite
- Town centre lighting
- Town twinning
- Committees
- Community councils
- Consultations: have your say
- Council meetings
- Councillors
- Officer delegated decisions
- Notices of private or urgent meetings of the Executive
- Community governance review
- Parish councils
- Petitions
- Scrutiny
About the council
Council Tax
- Council Tax top tasks
- How to pay Council Tax
- Council Tax charges
- Council Tax discounts
- Council Tax exemptions
- Are you struggling to pay your Council Tax?
- Contacting us about your Council Tax
- Review of single person discount
- Failing to pay your Council Tax
- Change of address or circumstances
- Council Tax FAQs - billing and discounts
- Council Tax FAQs - payments and recovery
- Your Council Tax bill explained
- Council Tax account
Crime and safety
- Anti-social behaviour
- CCTV and surveillance
- Cyber crime advice for businesses
- Cyber crime advice for parents and carers
Domestic abuse
- I'm a victim of domestic abuse (adult)
- I'm a victim of domestic abuse (child or teenager)
- I'm a victim of child to parent violence
- I'm worried a friend or relative is suffering domestic abuse
- I'm working with someone suffering domestic abuse (professionals)
- I'm worried my employee is suffering domestic abuse
- I'm a perpetrator of domestic abuse
- Survivors Panel
- Community Ambassador 'Ask Me' scheme
- One minute guides
- Domestic homicide reviews
- Learning lessons reviews
- Hate crime
- Neighbourhood Safety team
- Nitrous oxide abuse
- Preparing yourself for an emergency
- Prevent
- Public Space Protection Orders
- Rogue traders
- Safehaven - end your night out right
- Sexual violence
- Street wardens
Data protection and privacy
- Data protection
- Your data protection rights
- Request for disclosure of personal data
- Data protection impact assessments
Privacy notices
- Privacy notice - Accessing Change Together Middlesbrough
- Privacy notice - Adult Social Care
- Privacy notice - Alternative Education
- Privacy notice - Asylum Support Liaison
- Privacy notice - Attendance and Visitors
- Privacy notice - Bereavement Services
- Privacy notice - Building Control
- Privacy notice - Channel programme
- Privacy notice - Child Welfare, Safeguarding, and Care Services
- Privacy notice - childcare options
- Privacy notice - Children Missing from Education
- Privacy notice - Commercial Property and Business Support
- Privacy notice - Community Grant
- Privacy notice - Community Reading Coach
- Privacy notice - Community Safety
- Privacy notice - Community Support Scheme
- Privacy notice - Conservation
- Privacy notice - Consultations
- Privacy notice - COVID-19 Business Support Grants
- Privacy notice - COVID-19 lateral flow testing
- Privacy notice - COVID-19 Local Support Grants
- Privacy notice - COVID-19 Test Results
- Privacy notice - Creditors and Debtors
- Privacy notice - Customer Complaints, Comments and Feedback
- Privacy notice - Debt Management Respite Scheme (Breathing Space)
- Privacy notice - Democratic Services
- Privacy notice - Development Control
- Privacy notice - Early Years Support Service
- Privacy notice - Education, Employment, and Training Team
- Privacy notice - electoral arrangements and community governance reviews
- Privacy notice - Electoral Services
- Privacy notice - Emergency Planning
- Privacy notice - Employee Protection Register
- Privacy notice - Energy Bills Support Schemes
- Privacy notice - Environment Services
- Privacy notice - Equality Monitoring
- Privacy notice - Ethnic Minority Achievement Team
- Privacy notice - Family Hubs
- Privacy notice - Family Service Directory and Local Offer
- Privacy notice - Fleet Services
- Privacy notice - footfall cameras and traffic and road monitoring cameras
- Privacy notice - Fostering Service
- Privacy notice - free school meals
- Privacy notice - Governor Development Service
- Privacy notice - Health and Safety
- Privacy notice - Health Determinants Research Collaboration
- Privacy notice - Help Boro COVID-19 Support Hub
- Privacy notice - Holiday Activities and Food Programme
- Privacy notice - Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
- Privacy notice - HR Service
- Privacy notice - ICT Services and guest Wi-Fi
- Privacy notice - Improving COVID-19 vaccine uptake
- Privacy notice - Integrated Transport Service
- Privacy notice - library service users
- Privacy notice - Licensing
- Privacy notice - Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
- Privacy notice - Local Restrictions Support Grant and Restart Grant
- Privacy notice - Marketing and Communications Team
- Privacy notice - Middlesbrough Community Learning
- Privacy notice - Middlesbrough Multi-Agency Children's Hub (MACH)
- Privacy notice - Musinc
- Privacy notice - MyMiddlesbrough
- Privacy notice - NHS Test and Trace support
- Privacy notice - parking and bus lanes
- Privacy notice - Planning Policy
- Privacy notice - Psychology Service
- Privacy notice - Public Health South Tees Consultation and Health Promotion
- Privacy notice - Public Protection Service
- Privacy notice - Recovery Solutions
- Privacy notice - Register Office
- Privacy notice - Revenues
- Privacy notice - School Admissions
- Privacy notice - School Readiness
- Privacy notice - South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership
- Privacy notice - South Tees Youth Justice Service
- Special Education Needs Use of NHS number
- Privacy notice - STARS Sensory Support Services
- Privacy notice - Stop Smoking Service
- Privacy notice - Stronger Families - Family Case Work
- Privacy notice - Supporting Families
- Privacy notice - Teesside Pension Fund
- Privacy notice - Test and Trace Support Payments
- Privacy notice - Town Centre Wi-Fi
- Privacy notice - Transport and Infrastructure
- Privacy notice - Troubled Families
- Privacy notice - Trusted Assessor Service
- Privacy notice - Valuation and Estates
- Privacy notice - volunteers
- Privacy notice - Welfare Rights
- Privacy notice - Who we share our pupil and children's data with
- Council website privacy policy
- Records retention
Environmental issues
- Animal problems
- Becks and watercourses
- Chimney heights
- Contaminated land and pollution
- Food poisoning
- Grass, hedges, and weeds
- Problems with houses and buildings
- Transporting waste and waste carriers
- One planet living
- Pests
- Playground equipment
- Pollution
- Shopping trolleys
- Skips
- Problems on streets and public areas
- Trees
- Vehicle seizure notices
Green strategy
Health and wellbeing
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular disease (heart disease)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Dementia
- Diabetes
- Drug and alcohol support
- Eat well
- Eat Well award
- Extreme heat
- Flu vaccines
- Healthwatch Middlesbrough
- Incontinence
- Loneliness
- Lung conditions
- Mental health
- Protecting yourself against infections
- Public health information
- Quit smoking with Stop Smoking South Tees
- Recovering from illness
- Reduce your risk
- Screening Saves Lives
- Self-care tips for a happier, healthier you
- Sexual health
- South Tees Best Start Partnership
- Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013 - 2023
- Winter health, wellbeing, and safety
Leisure, culture, and parks
- Parks and green spaces
- Entertainment and museums
- Teesside Archives
- Allotments
- Events
- Free wifi in Middlesbrough
- Playgrounds
- Sport and exercise
Open data and FOI
Council data
- Annual report and statement of accounts
- Budgets
- Children's services funding statements (Section 251 statements)
- Commissioning and procurement FOI data
- Public health funerals and estates referred to the Treasury Solicitor
- Strategies, performance, plans, and policies
- Trade Union facility time
- Working in partnership
- Freedom of Information
- Middlesbrough data hub
- Local statistics and data
- Publication scheme
Council data
Parking, roads, and transport
- Parking and permits
- Roadworks
- Penalty Charge Notices and enforcement
- Public transport and getting around
- Report a roads and highways problem
- Electric vehicle charging points
- Traffic notices
- Parking problems
- Abnormal loads
- Fleet services
- Laboratory civil and technical services
- Walking and public rights of way
- Road safety guides
- Road safety team
- Street works
- Traffic Regulation Orders
- Gritting and winter updates
Transport schemes and consultations
Highway improvements
- Linthorpe Road cycling and pedestrian improvements
- Linthorpe Road phase 2 (Ayresome Street to Devonshire/Cumberland Road)
- Low Lane connectivity (Curly Wurly Bridge to Brookfield Avenue)
- Low Lane cycleway improvements
- Mandale Interchange partial signalisation
- Ridgeway connections (B1365 Stokesley Road to Woodlea)
- Transport consultations
- Completed schemes
Highway improvements
- Transport strategies and standards
- Highway records
- Weighbridges
Planning and development
- Pre-application advice
- Planning applications
- Find and comment on a planning application
- Changes to how we process planning applications
- Building Control
- Middlesbrough Development Corporation
- Neighbourhood planning
Planning policy
- Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)
- Brownfield land register
- Core Strategy
- Development guidance
- Draft Local Plan
- Housing Local Plan
- Infrastructure Funding Statement
- Interim hot food takeaways policy
- Interim policy on conversions of residential properties
- Local Development Scheme
- Nutrient neutrality
- Regeneration DPD
- Self-build and custom housebuilding
- Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
- Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)
- Tees Valley joint local aggregate assessment (LAA)
- Tees Valley joint minerals and waste DPDs
- Evidence library
- Planning enforcement
- Conservation
- Development Control
- Historic planning data
- Local land charges register and searches
- Street naming and numbering
- Stainsby masterplan
- Public open space and appropriation of land adverts
- Planning survey
Recycling and rubbish
- Bin collection dates for 2024/2025
- Your bin collections
- Household Waste Recycling Centre
- Getting rid of your waste correctly
- About bulky waste collections
- Changes to bin collections
Schools and education
- School term dates
School admissions
- Primary school admissions - reception intake
- Secondary school admissions
- Online admissions
- School admission zones
- Key school admissions documents
- School transfers
- School admissions policies
- School admissions allocation statistics
- More information about school admissions
- Contact school admissions
- Appeals procedure
- Atypical age range admission schools
- Choosing a school
- School attendance
- Special Educational Needs
- Home to school transport
- Ethnic Minority Achievement Team
- Find a school
- School closures
- School meals
- Exclusions and children missing education
- Educational visits and outdoor learning
- Complaints about schools
- Home schooling (elective home education)
- Educational Psychologists
- Middlesbrough SACRE
- School crossing patrol service
- Virtual school for looked-after children
- Your Future Matters
- Schools Management Forum
- Schools asset management
Test form TW