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Crime and safety

Anti-social behaviour

Details of how to report anti-social behaviour in Middlesbrough.

CCTV and surveillance

Details of crime prevention measures used to improve the security and safety of neighbourhoods.

Cyber crime advice for businesses

Any business which is connected to the internet is at risk of cyber crime.

Cyber crime advice for parents and carers

Our children are surrounded by technology, including phones, laptops, games consoles, internet.

Domestic abuse

Refuges and support for survivors, guidance on supporting survivors, and domestic homicide reviews.

Hate crime

A hate crime is a crime committed against someone because of their disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, or transgender identity.

Neighbourhood safety

The Neighbourhood Safety Team works with partners and local people to prevent and reduce crime.

Nitrous oxide abuse

Antisocial behaviour linked to the taking of nitrous oxide, has become a significant concern.

Preparing yourself for an emergency

There are a number of steps you can take to ensure that you protect yourself and others in an emergency.


The safeguarding process to for young people and vulnerable adults who are at risk of radicalisation.


Intended to deal with persistent anti-social behaviour in a local area that is detrimental to the community.

Rogue traders

Staying safe in your home is paramount and it's important that you're careful of rogue traders.


Safehaven is a warm and safe place for people to go if they need help on a night out in Middlesbrough.

Sexual violence

What it is, what to do if you've been a victim, and where to get support in Middlesbrough.

Street wardens

Provide a reassuring presence to residents, and help to build confidence within neighbourhoods.