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Contacting us about your Business Rates

If you need to provide evidence or ask a question about your Business Rates account, you can use the revenues enquiry form.

If you're struggling to use the online form, you can contact us about your Business Rates by calling 01642 726006 (option 5).

Our phone lines are open Monday to Wednesday (10am to 4:30pm), and Friday (10am to 4pm). They are closed on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

You can also email ndr@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Or you can write to:

Revenues and Benefits Services
PO Box 2
Middlesbrough House 
50 Corporation Road

Always quote your account number when you're making a payment or contacting us. Please note, your account number will change if you move, or if the person or organisation responsible for paying the bill changes.