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Hoarding and scaffolding licences

If you wish to erect hoarding or scaffolding within the highway, you'll need to apply to the council for a licence.


Check the full list of charges for highway licences to find out how much the licence will cost.

If you need advice about a hoarding and scaffolding licence, please call 01642 728156.


Please note the following guidance:

  • the width of the Highway enclosed by the scaffolding must not exceed 1.25 metres (4 feet) of footpath being maintained outside the hoarding at all times
  • where in exceptional cases this width cannot be provided, detailed plans and proposals shall be submitted for the approval by the Head of Transport and Design Service; in giving approval to such proposals the director may impose further conditions
  • where it is proposed to erect a covered platform or scaffolding that projects above the footpath, minimum clear headroom of 2.45 metres (8 feet) must be maintained
  • all hoardings/scaffolding (and platform and handrail if required) shall be clearly visible at all times and shall be painted in a distinguishing paint to a minimum height of 2.45 metres (8 feet) above pavement level and during the hours of darkness shall be adequately illuminated or lamped
  • where hoardings etc. about two streets the corner must be splayed
  • all openings to hoardings must have doors which slide or open inwards
  • the surfaces of all hoardings shall be smooth faced and free from all projections
  • the certification of intention with respect to a hoarding and/or the granting of a licence for a scaffolding does not authorise the placing of building materials on the highway outside the limits of the hoardings/scaffolding
  • the following materials will not be accepted as a means of cladding for the hoardings: corrugated sheets of iron, asbestos, aluminium, and wire mesh
  • no tripping hazards should be present at the base of scaffolding/hoarding
  • pavements must be protected by the use of timber sole boards and metal base plates below each standard
  • the erection of scaffolding must not commence until a licence has been granted in writing

Additional notes

The pre-inspection will identify any defects to the existing highway which will not be considered the responsibility of the licensee. The post-erection inspection will determine any additional defect which will be considered to have been caused by the scaffold/hoarding or the operations associated with it. Such defects will be reinstated and the costs recharged to the licensee.

Please note, if sufficient notice isn't given to the highway authority (at least 24 hours) to allow a pre-inspection to be undertaken then any defects noted at the post-erection inspection will be deemed to be the responsibility of the licensee and the costs of reinstatement will be re-charged to them.