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Guidance for street trading applications

Preference will be given to traders who:

  1. conform with our approved colour schemes (currently: British Racing Green with Gold signage – Linthorpe Road)
  2. have purpose-built units which are portable and are not market stalls - units should be 8’ x 8’ in size (there can be small variations to this size i.e. 8’6” x 7’6”, at our discretion
  3. have units which display no fluorescent colours for their advertising/posters etc.
  4. are offering goods for sale which are not duplicated by other street trading consent holders
  5. have uniformed staff and a good track record

Goods which will be specifically prohibited from sale are as follows:

  • tinned goods/grocery provisions
  • items of clothing including shoes (excluding accessories e.g. scarves, hats, etc.)
  • knives and similar
  • flammable materials

We will be particularly interested in applicants who offer something different in the way of retail sales (i.e. non-routine goods).

Town centre area consent streets

Town centre area consent streets


Albert Road
From its junction with Wilson Street to its junction with Grange Road a distance of approximately 425 metres.

Corporation Road
From its junction with Linthorpe Road to its junction with Marton Road a distance of approximately 575 metres.

Davison Street
From its junction with Linthorpe Road for a distance of approximately 18 metres in a westerly direction.

Gilkes Street
From its junction with Linthorpe Road in a westerly direction for a distance of approximately 22 metres.

Gurney Street
From its junction with Corporation Road for a distance of approximately 45 metres in a northerly direction.

Linthorpe Road
From its junction with Wilson Street to its junction with Corporation Road/Newport Road a distance of approximately 193 metres.

Linthorpe Road
From its junction with Newport Road/Corporation Road to its junction with Grange Road a distance of approximately 230 metres.

Newport Road
From its junction with Wilson Street to its junction with Linthorpe Road a distance of approximately 280 metres.

Russell Street
From its junction with Albert Road to its junction with Marton Road (including all footways and carriageways).

Town centre area prohibited streets



Abingdon Road:
From its junction with Borough Road to its junction with Grange Road a distance of approximately 156 metres.

Albert Mews

Albert Road:
From the rear of the footway on the north side of its junction with Grange Road to its junction with Borough Road a distance of approximately 165 metres.

Ash Street

Atkinson Street


Baker Street

Bedford Street

Beech Street

Bolckow Street

Borough Road

Boswell Street

Brentnall Street

Bright Street

Brunswick Street


Camden Street

Crown Mews

Crown Street


Dale Street

Davison Street:
The whole length excluding that part which runs from its junction with Linthorpe Road to the rear of the footway on the east side of Whin Street at distance of approximately 18 metres.

Dundas Mews

Dundas Street

Dunning Road

Dunning Street


Elder Court

Elliott Street

Elm Street

Emily Street


Fairbridge Street

Fife Street

Fry Street


Gilkes Street:
The whole length excluding that part which runs from its junction with Linthorpe Road to the rear of the footway on the east side of Whin Street a distance of approximately 22 metres.

Grange Road


Harris Street

Hartington Road

Hazel Court

Head Street

Hill Street


Jedburgh Street

Johnson Street East

Johnson Street West


Lennox Street

Linthorpe Mews

Linthorpe Road:
From and including its junction with Grange Road to its junction with Cumberland Road a distance of approximately 1,640 metres.


Marton Road:
From its junction with Exchange Place to its junction with Zetland Place a distance of approximately 98 metres.
From its junction with the Blake Street car part access road to its junction with Borough Road a distance of approximately 780 metres.

Melrose Street

Monkland Street


Newport Crescent

Newport Road:
From its junction with Hartington Road to its junction with Wilson Street a distance of approximately 170 metres.


Oak Street


Park Street

Exchange Place

Pembroke Street

Pine Street


Rose Street

Russell Street

Rutland Court

Rutland Street


Samuels Arcade

School Croft

Smith Street

Somerset Street

St. Aidans Drive

Station Street


Taylor Street

Thompson Street

Thorn Street


Unnamed Road connecting Thorn Street to Whin Street


Vaughan Street


Watson Street

Westward Close

Westward Street

Whin Street

Wilson Street

Wood Street


Yew Street


Zetland Place

Zetland Road

Riverside area consent streets


Cargo Fleet Road
From its junction with the railway crossing at its western end in an easterly direction to its junction with Marsh Road, including the turning head at its western end

The Leeway
31 meters from its junction with Windward Way, in an easterly direction to its junction with Dockside Road

Dockside Road
From its junction with the Leeway, in an easterly direction to its junction with Works Road

Marsh Road
From its junction with Cargo Fleet Road for 20 meters in a southerly direction.

Vulcan Street
From its junction with Durham Street in a south easterly direction to its junction with Dock Street

Commercial Street
From its junction with Durham Street in a south easterly direction to its junction with Dock St

Lower East Street
From its junction with Cleveland Street in a south easterly direction to its junction with Dock Street

Gray Street
From its junction with Bridge Street East in a northerly direction to its junction with Commercial St

Bridge Street East
From its junction with Albert Road in a north easterly direction to its junction with Dock Street

Dock Street
From its junction with Bridge Street East in a north easterly direction to its junction with Scotts Road

Redcar Street
From its junction with Lower Gosford Street in a northerly direction to its junction with Lower Feversham Street Lower

Feversham Street
From its junction with Cleveland Street in a south easterly direction to its junction with Dock Street

Lower Gosford Street
From its junction with Queens Square in a south easterly direction to its junction with Bridge Street East

Queens Square
From its junction with Bridge Street West in a northerly direction to its junction with Cleveland Street

Cleveland Street
From its junction with Queens Square in a northerly direction to its junction with Durham Street Durham Street from its junction with Durham Street in a northerly direction to its junction with Ferry Road

Ferry Road
From its Junction with Durham Street to its junction with Vulcan Street

North Ormesby prohibited streets


Breen Close

Calvert Close

Cromwell Street

James Street

Kings Road
From its junction with Derwent Street to its junction with James Street a distance of approximately 107 metres.

Linsley Close

Market Place

Sharrock Close

Trinity Crescent

West Street

Whickham Close

Middlesbrough town centre street trading specification


Middlesbrough town centre street trading specification

1. Street trading is regulated in Middlesbrough Town Centre under the provisions of the Local Government (Misc Provisions) Act 1982. Middlesbrough Council may grant a trading consent, if it thinks fit. Currently there are 4 long-term food traders holding annual consents operating from Linthorpe Road and Gilkes Street, and occasional consents are granted from time to time for a variety of goods.

2. Following a review of the current street trading experience, which involved pubic surveys and consultations, Middlesbrough Council is keen to promote a style of street trading within the Town Centre which adds positively to the retail experience and meets the needs of the public.

3. Middlesbrough Council wishes to see trading units of a type that enhance the town centre and are in character with the surroundings. These units must be removed daily; units are not permitted to remain on site overnight.

4. Whilst the Council is committed to long term arrangements for street traders who meet the criteria in this specification, by law consents have to be renewed annually, therefore renewals cannot be legally guaranteed

5. Up to 9 potential trading sites are available on Gilkes Street, Linthorpe Road Davidson St (exhibition site), Gilkes Street and Corporation Road within the designated consent street area from the range of sites identified on the attached map

6. Middlesbrough Council seeks to encourage high quality trading units and operational practices meeting the following design and operating characteristics:

  • Any wheels should be covered during trading either by lowering the unit or by the addition of a temporary surround when trading
  • Any tow bar should be removed or hidden from view when trading
  • A canopy or enclosure should be provided to protect customers during inclement weather.
  • Units should be presented in a British racing green colour with discrete gold coloured signage, unless the product sold justifies to the satisfaction of the council an alternate colour scheme.
  • Advertising signs should not be separate from the trading unit
  • Units should not normally exceed 4 metres by 2.5 metres in size.
  • Units should be provided with water, washing and self contained waste facilities.
  • Traders should provided a waste bin in the immediate vicinity the trading unit of sufficient size to meet the needs of the business
  • During trading, and at the end of the trading day, provision should be made to keep the pavement and highway clean of waste arising from the business.
  • The trading operation should be capable of connecting to an external power supply and trade without the use of a generator

7. Applications for quality public seating in the vicinity of the trading unit would be considered on the merits of the case made, and will have regard to available space and the priorities identified in paragraphs 2 and 3.

8. Applications for temporary themed markets that add value to the retail experience are encouraged, for example, a quality Christmas market or a quality Continental market.

9. Every effort will be made to integrate temporary and permanent traders into speciality markets and special events.

10. Desirable goods to be offered for sale include; newspapers, magazines, fruit and vegetables, ice cream, fresh food products, arts and crafts, speciality foods, sweets, flowers, drinks and in particular goods that are not currently available in the Town Centre.

11. A 3-year transition period will be applied to the 4 existing long-standing street traders to allow them to upgrade to the enhanced specification in this document, or find other business opportunities.

Night time street trading

12. New applications for night time street trading consent will not be considered, unless an applicant is able to demonstrate that they will to add positively to the products currently provided by existing retailers

Davidson Street exhibition site

13. This site is considered a suitable location for issuing consents for promotional activities by commercial, charitable and non profit-making organisation and businesses. Differential fees will continue to apply dependent on the activity and service offered, with reduced rates for charitable and non-profit making concerns. Depending on the availability and size of pitch required, the Council may also consider allocating pitches on Linthorpe Road and Corporation Road for exhibition uses.

Riverside street trading specification


1. Street trading is regulated in Middlesbrough Town Centre under the provisions of the Local Government (Misc Provisions) Act 1982. Middlesbrough Council may grant a trading consent, if it thinks fit. Currently there are 11 food traders holding annual consents operating from the area surrounding the Riverside Stadium in the Middlehaven area of Middlesbrough.

2. Whilst the Council is committed to long term arrangements for street traders who meet the criteria in this specification, by law consents have to be renewed annually, therefore renewals cannot be legally guaranteed

3. Up to 12 potential trading sites are available on the area surrounding the Riverside Stadium within the designated consent street area from the range of sites identified on the attached map

4. Requirements in relation to the specifications for trading units at the Riverside pitches and products sold from the units differ from those required within the town centre. It is accepted that most units will be offering food products or football orientated merchandise. Units are not required to comply with the requirements imposed on town centre traders in relation to colour, size, etc.

5. All food stalls must undergo a food hygiene inspection by the council’s Food Safety team, after which the business is issued with a food hygiene certificate.

6. All stalls selling any other merchandise must comply with all legislation in relation to trading standards and traders must be aware of the legislation in relation to copyrighting of goods.