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Your review

Everyone who's in care will have a review every few months. A review is where we get everyone in your life together and talk about how you're doing.

We'll talk about whether you're happy and doing okay in your everyday life, like at school and where you're living.

You can go to the review so you can hear what's being said. You'll also have a chance to speak if you want to. It's a good time to talk about any problems you're having, or anything big that's happened in your life. If something big has changed, it might mean your care plan needs to change too. So we'll talk about that a lot in the review.

There will be quite a few grown-ups in the meeting, including:

  • your social worker
  • your key worker or foster carer(s)
  • your family
  • your teacher
  • your Independent Reviewing Officer

Your Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) is in charge of the meeting, and making sure that people listen to you when you speak.

You'll probably have lots of questions about your review the first time you have one. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • what's an IRO and what do they do at my review?
  • how can I tell people how I'm feeling and what I want?
  • will people listen to me at my review?