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Middlesbrough Interfaith Network

Middlesbrough Interfaith Network (MIN), supported by Middlesbrough Council, brings together representatives from different religions in Middlesbrough to:

  • raise awareness of the different religions, faiths, and beliefs in Middlesbrough
  • share knowledge to help to build stronger communities and support residents, including in emergency situations
  • represent the views and needs of faith communities in consultations, to improve council services

The group's joint statement to describe what all faith communities stand for is:

"Understanding of difference with acceptance and respect through our individuality, prayer and faith, and transformation; with our community and relationships."

View the Middlesbrough Interfaith Network's terms of reference.

The Interfaith Network is also currently working on a shared vision of values, which will be shared across the community.

The Middlesbrough Interfaith Network played a huge role in ensuring the voice of the faith community was heard during the Covid pandemic. This was ensured people understood the lockdown rules, but also that the council listened to the voice of the community. Since then, the group has come together regularly to learn about each other, including a visit to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the Hindu Cultural Centre.

In addition, in September 2023, the group organised a peace walk across Middlesbrough, stopping at different places of worship, and faith leaders made videos to discuss the importance of peace.

Watch faith leaders from the Middlesbrough Interfaith Network talk about their religions.

If you're a faith leader and would like to join please email scm@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Activities organised by the Middlesbrough Interfaith Network