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Counter fraud

Fraud costs councils across the UK an estimated £2 billion each year. Any money which is lost to fraud means less money for us to support residents and deliver services in Middlesbrough.

Middlesbrough Council does not tolerate fraud. If you suspect it, please report it. Details of how to report suspected fraud are available below.

Veritau investigates suspected fraud committed against the council.

What kind of fraud is committed against councils?

Fraud can affect any area of the council. The most common kinds are related to: social care, Council Tax and Business Rates, benefits, and Blue Badges.

Social care fraud

Social care fraud deprives those in genuine need of support. It can include:

  • misusing social care payments
  • failing to declare savings or income as part of a social care application
  • fraud by carers or care agencies

Council Tax and Business Rates fraud

Council Tax and Business Rates fraud can include trying to get a Council Tax or Business Rates discount or grant which you're not entitled to, by:

  • deliberately giving false information in your application
  • not telling us about a change to your circumstances

Benefit fraud

Benefit fraud can include trying to get Council Tax Reduction, Housing Benefit, or another Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefit, which you're not entitled to, by:

  • deliberately giving false information in your application
  • not telling us about a change to your circumstances

Blue Badge fraud

This is: using a Blue Badge which does not belong to you, when the badge holder is not travelling with you. Blue Badge fraud can deprive someone in genuine need of a parking space.

How do I report possible fraud?

We ask members of the public to report suspected cases of fraud. You can make a report anonymously if you want to.

Phone: 0800 9179 247

Email: counter.fraud@veritau.co.uk

The Department for Work and Pensions investigates Housing Benefit fraud, not the council. Find out more about benefit fraud and how to report it.

How does fraud affect the council?

Any money which is lost to fraud means less money for us to support residents and deliver services in Middlesbrough.

What does the council do to detect fraud?

We carry out data matching exercises to prevent and detect fraud. This includes the government's National Fraud Initiative and other local initiatives. Where necessary, we also share information with the Department for Work and Pensions, other councils, and relevant organisations, to help us prevent and detect fraud.

Our privacy notices contain more information about how your information may be used or shared.