Making an insurance claim
If you think you've suffered a loss as a result of negligence by the council, you can make an insurance claim. Please provide as much detail as possible in your claim, as well as supporting photographs or documents.
Home Council and democracy About the council Insurance claims
If you think you've suffered a loss as a result of negligence by the council, you can make an insurance claim. Please provide as much detail as possible in your claim, as well as supporting photographs or documents.
There is no automatic right to compensation. For your claim to be successful, you must be able to prove that the council is legally liable or has behaved negligently.
We investigate all claims fully, and we may share your information with other organisations to help prevent and detect fraud.
If we find that you've provided false or misleading information, or that you have exaggerated your claim, we may inform the police. We may also consider prosecution, as well as looking to recover our costs.
Solicitors enquiring about the council's insurers and Portal ID are advised of the following:
Our current insurer is:
QBE Insurance (Europe) Ltd
Portal Compensator ID: D00019
Policy number: Y151065QBE0123A
For incidents before 1 October 2023, our insurer is:
Zurich Municipal
Portal Compensator ID: C00108
Policy number: QLA-08U0050013-00
Defendant-only claim notification forms must be sent to:
Middlesbrough Council
Fountain Court
119 Grange Road