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Statement on RAAC

Statement from Middlesbrough Council in relation to concerns related to reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC).

Last updated on 28 September 2023.

Maintained schools

The safety of pupils and staff in our schools is paramount. Following the original Department for Education (DfE) guidance, nine schools which are maintained by the council were identified as requiring to be assessed. These schools were surveyed and no RAAC was identified.

Following a revision of the DfE guidance, the nine schools will be subject to a further survey. It is anticipated these surveys will be completed by October half term. Subject to the findings, any remedial work required will be undertaken in a timely manner.

Separately, academy schools are leading on their own inspections and communications with families.

The council is working with all school leaders and the DfE to minimise any disruption to the education of pupils.

Other council buildings

The safety of our employees, service users, tenants, and the community are fundamental to Middlesbrough Council.

Following the guidance from the Department for Education in respect of RAAC, the council will undertake an assessment of all council buildings to establish which meet the criteria for possibly having RAAC materials present.

Subject to the outcome of the assessment, site surveys will be undertaken on those at risk with any remedial work being actioned in a timely manner.