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Chair of the Council

In 2002, the traditional role of the Worshipful Mayor changed when the people of Middlesbrough were given the opportunity to elect a Mayor. Because protocol won't allow two Mayors in one town, the traditional civic ceremonial Mayor with chains and robes was renamed the 'Chair of Middlesbrough Council'.

The elected Mayor is Chris Cooke, who, with his Executive, has control over the policies and services of Middlesbrough Council.

The role of the Chair of the Council

The Chair's role is to:

  • act as the figurehead of the council
  • work for the general wellbeing of the community, and in particular in relation to charitable fundraising activities
  • develop links between the council and community groups, schools, the voluntary and charitable sector, etc.
  • lead the community in civic duties such as Remembrance Sunday
  • develop overseas links, especially in relation to 'Town Twinning' activities
  • act as the representative of the community in relation to royal and other ceremonial visits and functions
  • preside over full council meetings

How is the Chair elected?

The council's elected members (councillors) elect the Chair of the Council at the annual general meeting (AGM). The position is held for one year.

Who are the current Chair and Vice-Chair?

The Chair of the Council for 2023/2024 is Cllr Julia Rostron (Park ward).

Councillor Julia Rostron

How to get in touch

If you'd like to get in touch with the Chair of Middlesbrough Council to invite them to an event, please get in touch in one of the following ways:

Write to:

The Chair of Middlesbrough Council
The Chair's Office
Town Hall

Email: civics@middlesbrough.gov.uk