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The scrutiny process involves councillors examining any topic which impacts the local area. This often relates to council services, but it can also involve relevant external organisations and bodies.

Scrutiny ensures that the decisions taken by the council and its partners are appropriate. It creates an open, transparent way for councillors to shape, question, evaluate, and challenge policies, decisions, and performance.

Scrutiny investigations are usually carried out over the course of several meetings, which consider information from relevant sources, and examine current policies and practices.

At the end of the exercise an investigation report is prepared, which summarises the scrutiny panel's findings and puts forward recommendations to make Middlesbrough a better place to live and work.

Scrutiny is an essential part of making sure the council remains effective and accountable.

The structure of scrutiny

Currently, there are three scrutiny panels:

  • Overview and Scrutiny Board
  • People Scrutiny Panel
  • Places Scrutiny Panel

You can find out more about all scrutiny panels on ModernGov. This includes a description of the panel's role, a list of members, and agendas and minutes from panel meetings.

Have your say

The Overview and Scrutiny Board and scrutiny panels welcome your views on which aspects of council business should be reviewed.

Your suggestions must:

  • affect a group of people living in the Middlesbrough area
  • relate to a service, event, or issue which the council has a significant stake in, or influence over
  • not be an issue which the Overview and Scrutiny Board or the scrutiny panels have considered during the last 12 months
  • not relate to an individual service complaint
  • not relate to matters dealt with by another council committee, unless the issue deals with procedure

You can send us your suggestions by:

Email: scrutiny@middlesbrough.gov.uk

Post: Democratic Services, Middlesbrough Council, PO Box 503, Town Hall, Middlesbrough, TS1 9FX


Overview and Scrutiny Board


People Scrutiny Panel


Places Scrutiny Panel
