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Change of address or circumstances

Change of address

If you move address within Middlesbrough, you'll need to let us know. If you're moving to a property which is in a different Council Tax band, you'll have to pay more or less Council Tax than you do at the moment.

If you're struggling to change your address, you can view help on changing your address (tenant or property owner).

Please note, this should only be used if you pay Council Tax. If you're getting Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, please visit the benefits section to change your address.

Change of circumstances

If your circumstances have changed, for example you start or stop receiving benefits, or someone moves into or out of your home, you may be entitled to a discount on your Council Tax. You may also become exempt from paying Council Tax. Please tell us as soon as possible if your circumstances have changed.

Please note, this should only be used if you pay Council Tax. If you're getting Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, please visit the benefits section to let us know about a change of circumstances.