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Council Tax charges

What is my Council Tax spent on?

The money raised through Council Tax helps the council to deliver services to the people of Middlesbrough every day.

Some of the services we provide include:

  • keeping roads safe
  • supporting residents with health, social, and family issues
  • ensuring rubbish and recycling is collected
  • removing graffiti
  • introducing children to reading through libraries
  • running elections and referendums which give residents a voice on local and national issues
  • investing in our town's buildings and people
  • providing high quality schools

Find out more about what your Council Tax pays for.

Following the recent budget decision, we're currently putting together details of our income and expenditure for 2024/2025. The information will be available on this page in the near future.

Money from Council Tax is also given to the fire brigade and police to keep our communities safe.

Charges set out on in this section include those made for services provided by Middlesbrough Council, Cleveland Fire Authority, and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland, but exclude parish precepts for Nunthorpe, and Stainton and Thornton.

You can look at documents from the fire brigade and Cleveland Police which explain more about what the money is used for: