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Your Council Tax bill explained

Your Council Tax bill shows:

  • your Account Number (in the example below: 316110000230)
  • an E-Service key which is different on every bill, so always use the one from your most recent bill (in the example below: TY4PFHJRV7)
  • your Council Tax band (in the example below: D)
  • your yearly Council Tax charge (in the example below: £1779.94)
  • how much of your yearly charge you've already paid (in the example below: £156.94)
  • which date your payment will be taken on (in the example below: 30th of every month)
  • how much your payment will be (in the example below: £162.00)
  • how your payments are made (in the example below: Direct Debit)
  • how often your payments are made (in the example below: monthly)
  • the amount still payable, which is your yearly charge minus the amount you've already paid (in the example below: £1623.00)

You'll need your Account No. and E-Service key to log into your Council Tax account.

Please note, inside your Council Tax account, they may be given slightly different names:

  • 'Account No.' is referred to as 'Account Number' or 'Account Reference'
  • 'E-Service key' is referred to as 'Online Key'

You can also view a PDF of a Council Tax bill with the sections labelled.