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Cleveland Emergency Planning Unit

The Cleveland Emergency Planning Unit provides a service to the four unitary authorities of Middlesbrough, Stockton, Hartlepool, and Redcar & Cleveland to ensure preparedness in the event of a major civil emergency. We work in partnership with the police, fire service, ambulance service and other agencies and voluntary organisations to promote understanding and an integrated team effort.

The primary aim of emergency planning is to achieve an effective response to all major incidents and emergency situations regardless of their cause.

To achieve this aim we must:

  • Ensure we have planned and prepared an organised and practical response by the Emergency Planning Unit and Councils we service.
  • Effectively contribute to the combined response of all the emergency services and other agencies.
  • Have plans that are sufficiently flexible to deal with a range of situations that may increase in significance, duration and complexity.
  • Be able to respond to incidents that are outside the normal experience of the local authority.

For more information visit the Cleveland Emergency Planning Unit Website.


Cleveland Police
Cleveland Emergency Planning Unit
Ash House, III Acre
Princeton Drive
Stockton On Tees
TS17 6AJ

Phone: 01642 301515

Cleveland Community Risk Register

The Community Risk Register identifies those risks considered to be relevant to the community of Cleveland. This work is undertaken by a subgroup of Cleveland Local Resilience Forum the Risk Assessment Working Group.

Based on national and local knowledge the purpose of the Community Risk Register is to:

  1. Make members of the public aware of the hazards present in Cleveland
  2. Provide a system for prioritising work

View the Cleveland Community Risk Register document.

This is a 'living' document in that it is continually updated and amended as required based on both local and national experience. The Register is annually signed off by the Local Resilience Forum prior to their work plan being developed using it as a basis.