A number of factors can lead to flooding including heavy rainfall, melting snow, or extreme events such as a tidal surge.
The effects of flooding can have a devastating impact on normal daily life, as well as physical and mental health and wellbeing. However, by taking some basic precautions, residents can prepare themselves for the worst, and keep damage and disruption to a minimum.
Flood warnings
There are different types of flood warnings which show how severe the situation is:
- Flood alert - flooding is possible, be prepared
- Flood warning - flooding is expected, immediate action is required
- Severe flood warning - there is a significant danger to life
You can view current and expired flood warnings online or contact Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
You can sign up to get flood warnings from government by phone, text or email. The service is free to use. Sign up for flood warnings on GOV.UK or by calling 0345 988 1188.