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Prevent protects people from being drawn into hateful extremism - regardless of the ideology. It works in a similar way to safeguarding processes designed to protect people from gangs, drug abuse, and physical and sexual exploitation. It protects vulnerable children and adults from harm, making sure they get the support they need to help them move away from the risk of radicalisation.

Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies. If you're worried someone close to you is becoming radicalised, act early and get help. The sooner you reach out, the quicker they can be protected from being groomed and exploited by hateful extremists.

About Prevent

Encouraging individuals and communities to challenge and resist extremist and terrorist ideology.

Run, Hide and Tell

Firearms and weapons attacks are thankfully very rare, but it helps to be prepared.

Travel to conflict zones

The threat from terrorism in the UK, related to conflicts abroad, is of great concern.

ACT Early

Radicalisation is the process where a person comes to support terrorism and extremism.

Prevent eLearning

Understanding the vulnerabilities of those at risk and know what to do to help safeguard them.

Online safety advice

Keeping your children safe online is just as important as keeping them safe in the real world.

Useful guidance

Useful publications, links, and guidance relating to the Prevent duty and counter-terrorism.

Venue hire guidance

Owning and managing a venue for hire includes making sure that your venue is not used by extremists.

Bronze group

The group ensures Middlesbrough meets statutory obligations under the Counter Terrorism Security Act.