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Privacy notice - Valuation and Estates

This privacy notice was archived on 10/08/2023 and is no longer in use.

Who are we and what do we do?


Middlesbrough Council’s Valuation and Estates Team are responsible for the letting, estate management, acquisition and disposal of the Council’s land and property assets. 

What type of personal data do we collect and how do we collect it?


We collect personal data from you using tenant applications, enquiry forms, online bidding portal, and other associated documents. If you are a tenant, we may collect information throughout your relationship with us. The information we collect could include:

  • Name, address, National Insurance details, telephone number, email addresses
  • Company registration number, trading name, subsidiary company details 
  • Financial details including credit history, bankruptcy, and any outstanding criminal convictions
  • Any other relevant information about possible applications or disposals you may be involved in
  • Details of complaints made by you or about your tenancy. 
  • We also receive information from third parties such as financial references, credit history reports. 

How the Law allows us to use your personal data


We process your personal data on a number of lawful basis including where you have given your consent, where you are seeking to enter or have entered into a contract agreement with us, to meet our legal obligations, or to allow us to deliver a ‘public task’ based on our legal powers. The laws that require or allow us to process personal data for Valuation and Estates purposes include:

  • EU Public Contracts Directive 2014
  • Local Government Act 1972
  • Local Government Act 2000
  • Local Government Act 2003
  • Public Contracts Regulations 2015
  • Town & Country Planning Act 1990

What is your personal data used for?


We use your personal data to register your interest for future notification when properties become available. We process personal data for applications to acquire, lease, and dispose of land and premises. This helps us to effectively manage our assets, achieve ‘best value’, and provide on-going services to you where you are a tenant as part of our contract agreement. We also use debt information about individuals to assess suitability as a tenant and information to protect the Council from financial risks including fraud.

Will your personal data be shared?


We share information where we have a business need or the law requires us to do so with third parties including Ward Councillors, Valuation or Estates consultants who we commission, other local authorities, statutory bodies, and members of the public.

How do we keep your personal data secure?


We use the following measures to ensure that your personal data is secure: data protection and security policies, information security incident reporting, data and device encryption, system and data access controls, user accounts and passwords, physical and environmental security, staff vetting practices, staff training and awareness, data back-ups, ICT network penetration testing, and business continuity and disaster recovery plans.

How long will we keep your personal data?


We only keep your data for as long as the Law requires it and this is set out in our ‘records management retention schedules’. We may keep reports and other documents for longer but will always ensure that your identity is anonymised.

Is your personal data processed overseas?


We do not send your personal information outside of the European Economic Area to be processed.



We will never use your information for direct marketing purposes.

What are your information rights?


Your Information Rights are set out in law and, subject to some exceptions, you have the:

  • Right to rectification - to ask for information to be corrected
  • Right to erasure - to have your personal data deleted
  • Right to object - to how your data is used
  • Right to restriction - to request limits on how your data is used
  • Right to portability - to request that we move your data to another organisation
  • Right of subject access - to request a copy of data the Council holds about you

Making a complaint


If you have any concerns about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner's Office. Visit the website of the Information Commissioner's Office.



If you would like to discuss anything in this privacy notice or your information rights, please contact:

The Data Protection Officer
Middlesbrough Council
PO Box 500, Middlesbrough, TS1 9FT
Phone: 01642 245432
Email: dataprotection@middlesbrough.gov.uk