The Electoral Services team is responsible for:
- putting together, and publishing, the electoral register for Middlesbrough
- updating the register during the year using information from the annual canvass, and new voter registrations
- holding the absent voter lists (for example, people who vote by post or by proxy)
- organising local elections (for ward councillors, parish councillors, and the mayor), national elections (for members of parliament), Police and Crime Commissioner elections, and referendums (for example, for neighbourhood planning)
- reviewing parish areas and electoral arrangements, and taking part in boundary reviews which affect the town
- reviewing polling districts and polling stations, which can change where you vote
The electoral register
The electoral register isn't a static document, it changes throughout the year. From January to September, we update the register. We add the names of new voters, remove the names of voters who have died or moved away, and change names, for example, where voters have married.
The easiest way to check if you're on the register is to contact us, using the details below. You can also look at the register in the Reference Library atĀ Central Library.
If you aren't on the register, or your details are wrong, contact us, using the details below.
If you move house, you'll need to let us know. You canĀ register your change of address online, or you can contact us for a form.