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Our green action plan

Our Green Strategy action plan includes a 14-point plan which aims to make Middlesbrough greener, and improve things for us and the planet.

As a leader on environmental issues we pledge to:

Restore biodiversity

  • Plant 15,000 trees to increase tree cover
  • Sow 30,000 square metres of urban flower meadows
  • Become a more bee-friendly town with five newly installed beehives, and develop a 'Buzz in Boro' bee guide
  • Climate Action Middlesbrough will work with residents to help manage and improve biodiversity in our nature reserves

Increase recycling and reduce waste

  • Increase recycling rates for residents through education and recycling roadshows
  • Work with businesses to reduce commercial waste and increase recycling levels

Tackle climate change

  • Purchase electric vehicles and install electric charging points to reduce fossil fuel use in vehicles
  • Make climate change training mandatory for all Middlesbrough Council employees
  • Begin data capture for carbon emissions for the town of Middlesbrough
  • Host a climate conference with partners and begin to map out town-wide objectives

In the next two years, as part of the Green Strategy, we'll explore the possibility of an eco-festival for the town, develop community growing plots, develop clean air zones, establish a food re-distribution hub, develop new nature reserves in the town, and make plans for extra electric car charging points and additional electric vehicles in the council's fleet.