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Extreme heat

During periods of extremely hot weather it's important for us all to take simple steps to stay safe.

Not drinking enough water, overheating, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke can all cause serious health problems. Drinking lots of water, staying out of the sun when the UV rays are strongest, and wearing suncream are all important.

The NHS website has more information about how to cope in hot weather.

Helping the most vulnerable


Extremely hot weather can affect anyone, but some people are especially vulnerable. They include those aged over 75, and those who may find it hard to keep cool, like babies and very young children.

It's important to check up on people who may need help.

Using water sensibly


Northumbrian Water is urging people to use water wisely this summer. It recommends choosing showers over baths, not watering lawns, and re-using water from washing dishes to give plants a drink.

You can get more water saving tips on the Northumbrian Water website.

How to beat the heat


Keep in touch

  • Look after yourself, older people and the young
  • Listen to the weather forecast and the news
  • Plan ahead to avoid the heat

Keep well

  • Drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol
  • Dress appropriately for the weather
  • Slow down when it's hot

Find somewhere cool

  • Know how to keep your home cool
  • Go indoors or outdoors, whichever feels cooler
  • Cars get hot, avoid closed spaces

Watch out

  • Be on the lookout for signs of heat-related illness
  • Cool your skin with water, slow down and drink water
  • Stay safe when swimming
  • Get help - call NHS 111 or in an emergency 999