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Public Health Outcomes Framework


The Public Health Outcomes Framework sets out a vision for public health, desired outcomes and the indicators that will help us understand how well public health is being protected and improved in Middlesbrough. 

For more information view the Middlesbrough Public Health Outcomes Framework.

Public Health Profile


The Public Health profiles give a snapshot overview of health for each local authority in England. Health profiles are produced annually in June.

For more information view the Middlesbrough public health profile.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)


The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) looks at the physical and mental health needs of people living in South Tees.

Pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA) 2022


The pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA) for Middlesbrough is a document that determines:

  • If there are sufficient community pharmacies to meet the needs of the population
  • If community pharmacies could deliver other services to meet the population's health needs

South Tees Health and Wellbeing Board has a statutory responsibility for producing and publishing a PNA for Middlesbrough Council by 1 October 2022 (delayed from 25 March 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic). The previous PNA was published on 22 March 2018. The 2022-2025 PNA will cover a three year period from the date of publication.

The PNA will be used to:

  • Provide NHS England and NHS Improvement with the relevant information needed to inform their decisions on the required location and number of pharmacies in Middlesbrough. The PNA is the basis for identifying gaps in service and the basis for determining market entry to NHS pharmaceutical services provision and the categories of routine application to join the pharmaceutical list (open a new pharmacy).
  • Inform commissioning plans about pharmaceutical services that community pharmacists could provide to meet local needs.
  • Support commissioning of high-quality pharmaceutical services.
  • Ensure that pharmaceutical and medicines optimisation services are commissioned to reflect the health needs of the local population and meet Public Health South Tees' ambitions.
  • Allow local pharmacists the opportunity to contribute to the health of the people of Middlesbrough.

View the pharmaceutical needs assessment 2022-2025.

If you're struggling to view the PNA, please email pna@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

The South Tees Health and Wellbeing Board is also required to keep the PNA up to date by:

  • Making a revised assessment as soon as is reasonably practicable after identifying changes to the need for pharmaceutical services which are of a significant extent
  • Publication of Supplementary Statements if required
  • Maintaining the map of pharmaceutical services

Supplementary Statements - Middlesbrough PNA

When changes to pharmaceutical services take place, such as opening a new pharmacy, this may be documented by the publication of a Supplementary Statement, thereby becoming part of the PNA for the area. Supplementary Statements to the PNA 2022 issued by South Tees Health and Wellbeing Board will be shown here.

Map of pharmacies in the Middlesbrough area

A map of pharmacy premises in Middlesbrough is included in the PNA 2022. Should there be any change to the map, this will be published here.

​Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy


The strategy provides the overarching vision and strategic framework for improving health and wellbeing and tackling health inequalities in Middlesbrough and responds to the priorities identified in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). It also considers wider issues affecting health such as housing, education and the environment.

For more information view the joint health and wellbeing strategy