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Details of how we can help if you're homeless, or you think you're going to be made homeless.


Houses in multiple occupation, landlord responsibilities, and selective licensing scheme.

Problems with rented housing

Details of how to report problems with disrepair in your rented house and illegal eviction.

Unlawful eviction or harassment

Tenants have the right to privacy and protection from unlawful eviction and harassment by their landlord.

Energy efficiency standards in private rented properties

If you live in a private rented property, it probably needs an Energy Performance Certificate.

Energy conservation

Tackling fuel poverty and providing affordable warmth through the Affordable Warmth Partnership.

Fuel poverty

You may be eligible to get help from an energy saving scheme, for example with installing insulation or a new boiler.

Home improvements

Details of criteria and loans available for home improvements, including how to apply.

Housing options

About care homes, housing for older people, low cost ownership, properties for rent, social housing.

Housing support

Improving the quality of life for vulnerable people by providing a stable environment.