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Home improvement loans

If you find it hard to keep your home safe and comfortable to live in, we may be able to give you a loan so you can afford to make essential home improvements.

The Staying Put Agency has money to help older and vulnerable people living in Middlesbrough, whose property falls below the Decent Homes standard.

Loans are only available to owner occupiers who've lived in the property for longer than 12 months, have current buildings insurance, and have evidence that they can't access commercial lending (e.g. getting a bank loan).

What can the loans be used for?


Loans can be used to make essential home repairs and improvements, including:

  • installing damp proof courses (DPC)
  • electrical rewiring
  • installing new central heating systems
  • replacing doors and windows
  • installing new kitchen units and bathroom suites
  • making roof and structural repairs

What kind of loans are available?


Repayment and equity release loans are available, depending on your circumstances and the recommendation of an independent financial adviser (IFA).

How much can I borrow?


You can borrow between £1500 and £15,000, depending on the cost of the work required.

Are there any hidden costs?


You won't need to pay any hidden charges to arrange or receive the loan.

How do I apply?


Please get in touch to discuss your situation and requirements. We'll be happy to arrange an appointment to visit you in your own home at a convenient time.

Staying Put Agency
Phone: 0800 5875184