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Another newsagent closed down after selling illegal vapes

Crime and safety

Friday, 28 July 2023
A vaper uses a disposable device

A Middlesbrough town centre newsagent has been shut down after being caught selling illegal vapes.

Trading Standards Officers from Middlesbrough Council’s Public Protection Service secured a month-long Closure Order under anti-social behaviour laws against RK News.

Teesside Magistrates were satisfied that criminal antisocial behaviour occurred at the Gilkes Street store and that the order was necessary to stamp it out.

In addition to the closure owner Nirjeet Singh was ordered to pay £941 towards the Council’s costs. 

Trading Standards established that the business was selling illicit vapes and had done between March and June.

A number of vapes were seized from the shop including ones labelled as ‘nicotine free’.

However tests on these products showed they contained between 17mg and 20mg of nicotine.

Judith Hedgley, Middlesbrough Council’s Head of Public Protection, said: “Most illicit vapes that we find appear to be designed and marketed at young people but anyone who buys vapes thinking they are nicotine-free but contain nicotine are at risk of developing a nicotine addiction. 

“Closure Orders are helping us to deal robustly with traders who sell illicit cigarettes and illegal nicotine-containing vapes by removing their ability to sell such products, as well as prohibiting the overall use of shop premises.” 

Mayor Chris Cooke, the Council’s Executive Member for Public Protection, said: “It is alarming that disposable vapes, especially those that claim to be nicotine-free but are in fact nicotine-based, are specifically designed and aimed at a younger market and therefore must be aimed at getting young people hooked on nicotine. 

“It is also a great concern that some retailers who trade in our town believe it is ok to sell such illegal products and seek to profit at the expense of the health of young people in Middlesbrough. 

“The Council’s Public Protection Service is at the forefront of tackling this illegal trade in Middlesbrough, supported by our Wardens, Neighbourhood Safety Officers and Cleveland Police.

“Steps will continue to be taken to identify and deal with rogue traders, seize illicit products and obtain Closure Orders, as well as prosecuting the worst offenders.”

In June two other stores - Johns News on Linthorpe Road, and Mixture Shop at Norfolk Place in Berwick Hills - were shut down for three months after illicit vapes were found on the premises.