Middlesbrough is the most ethnically diverse local authority area in the Tees Valley, with a British Minority Ethnic population of 17.6% identified at Census 2021. This is an increase of 51% since 2011, and is projected to grow further.
82.36% of Middlesbrough's resident population was classed as White (with various sub-groups). This was lower than the North East rate of 90.04% but higher than the England rate of 81.05%. Middlesbrough is the second most ethnically diverse local authority in the North East, behind Newcastle upon Tyne (with 79.97% classed as White).
10.49% were classed as Asian / Asian British (with sub-groups). This is higher than the North East rate of 3.70% and the England rate of 9.61%. Again, Middlesbrough is behind Newcastle upon Tyne on this measure (with 11.37%). However Middlesbrough has the highest percentage in the Tees Valley.
2.09% of the population was identified as Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups (with sub-groups). This was higher than the North East rate of 1.26%, but less than than the national rate of 2.96%. Again, Middlesbrough is behind Newcastle upon Tyne (at 2.31%). However Middlesbrough does have the highest percentage in the Tees Valley.
2.65% of the population was identified as Black / Africa / Caribbean / Black British. This was higher than the North East rate of 1.01%, but lower than the England rate of 4.22%. Middlesbrough is behind Newcastle upon Tyne on this measure (at 3.31%). However Middlesbrough has the highest percentage in the Tees Valley.
2.41% of the population was identified as 'Other Ethnic Group'. This was higher than both the England rate of 2.18% and the North East rate of 1.00%. Middlesbrough is behind Newcastle upon Tyne (at 3.05%). However Middlesbrough has the highest percentage in the Tees Valley.
12.29% of Middlesbrough's total population was born outside of the UK (Census 2021). This was lower than the England rate of 17.35%, but almost double the North East rate of 6.77%. Middlesbrough has the highest percentage of residents born outside of the UK in the Tees Valley. However it is second behind Newcastle upon Tyne in the North East.
9.85% of asylum seekers in the North East were reported to be living in Middlesbrough as of the end of June 2023 (asylum statistics - House of Commons Library). Newcastle upon Tyne has the highest rate with 22.75%, followed by Gateshead with 12.83%, and Stockton-on-Tees with 12.18%. This places Middlesbrough fourth in the North East and second in the Tees Valley. The North East has 6.10% of asylum seekers in the UK.
ONS reports a rise in the number of non-British nationals per 1,000 of the resident population, with 51.1 in 2011 and 78.95 in 2021. This is higher than the North East (27.7 rising to 40.53) and lower than England (83.5 rising to 99.66).