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Middlesbrough demographic data


This page provides a range of data relating to Middlesbrough's population, from various government and public organisations.

Data sources

Census 2021: Middlesbrough ward profiles


Using data from Census 2021, this report provides insight into the demographics and deprivation within in Middlesbrough's 20 wards.

Type of data

  • resident population
  • employment and unemployment
  • economic inactivity
  • qualifications
  • ethnicity
  • religion
  • other demographic information

Office of National Statistics: Middlesbrough facts and figures


Linking to the Office of National Statistics, this section provides public information on Middlesbrough's population and economy.

Type of data

  • census maps
  • changes over time
  • custom profiles
  • area profiles
  • sub-national indicators
  • mortgage calculator
  • health indicators
  • income deprivation

Office for Local Government: Local Authority Data Explorer


Linking to the Local Authority Data Explorer from the Office for Local Government, this section provides public information on the performance of Middlesbrough Council and other local authorities.

The user will need to select Middlesbrough Council within the tool.

Type of data

  • waste management
  • planning
  • adult social care
  • roads
  • adult skills
  • corporate / finance

NOMIS: official census and labour market statistics


Linking to the Office of National Statistics NOMIS database, this section provides public information on Middlesbrough's and other local authorities' population and labour market details.

Type of data

  • resident population
  • employment and unemployment
  • economic inactivity
  • qualifications
  • earnings
  • out of work benefits
  • jobs
  • businesses
  • labour demand

LG Inform: improving services through information


LG Inform is the local area bench marking tool from the Local Government Association and provides access to a range of data for all local authorities.

The user will need to select Middlesbrough for local information. More detailed information is available for council officers, councillors, or other local authority users.

Type of data

  • administration and government
  • advice and benefits
  • business and employment
  • coastline management
  • community safety
  • environmental protection
  • health and social care
  • housing
  • leisure and culture
  • licences
  • permits and permissions
  • planning and building control
  • schools and education
  • transport and highways

LG Inform: headline report for Middlesbrough


LG Inform's headline report for Middlesbrough Council provides comparable value for money and performance data for services within the main funding streams for councils and highlights Middlesbrough Council's position.

Type of data

  • central services
  • education
  • children
  • adults
  • housing
  • highways and transport
  • planning and development
  • environmental and regulatory
  • cultural and related
  • public health

Stat-Xplore: DWP benefit statistics


Department for Work and Pensions interactive dataset containing a comprehensive variety of data on benefit claimants and programmes.

Users will need to register or access via 'Guest log in' to be able to investigate the data.

Type of data

  • claimants
  • attendance
  • benefits
  • allowances
  • family resources survey
  • household income
  • income support
  • incomes
  • population estimates
  • pensions
  • Universal Credit
  • work programmes

The Trussell Trust: food bank end of year statistics


The Trussell Trust network operates food banks across the UK.

Users can download the raw data file containing local authority level statistics.

Type of data

Trend analysis of number of food parcels distributed to adults and children by local authority and region.

House of Commons: asylum statistics


Briefing published on the House of Commons Library regarding asylum seekers in the UK and refugees who arrive through resettlement programmes.

User will need to download the supporting document to compare Middlesbrough's population and other local authorities.

Type of data

Accommodation data is provided for asylum seekers receiving government support by local authority and region.