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How we make decisions

Description of information Cost (£) Format Contact details
Code of conduct for Members - Council Constitution Free Online Democratic Services Office
Phone: 01642 729738
Community Engagement Framework and Consultation Toolkit Free Online (open data portal) Performance and Partnerships
Phone: 01642 729 210

Council composition, committees, agendas and minutes

Free online
Hard copies can be obtained for a fee
Online (ModernGov)
Hard copy on request
Legal and Democratic Services
Phone: 01642 729714 / 01642 729715
Events Emergency Planning Group Minutes 50p Hard copy Events and Festivals
Phone: 01642 729135
Executive - delegated decisions Free Online (ModernGov)
Hard Copy
Legal and Democratic Services
Phone: 01642 729645
Executive agenda and minutes Free online or hard copies for a fee Online (ModernGov)
Hard copy on request
Legal and Democratic Services
Phone: 01642 729745 / 01642 729740
Fernwood Village Green application

Hard copy:

10p per sheet up to 100 pages

5p per sheet for each additional page above 100

Online (open data portal) or hard copy

Legal and Democratic Services
Members Office, PO Box 503, Town Hall, Middlesbrough, TS1 9FX


Phone: 01642 729753

Hemlington Lane Village Green application

Hard copy:

10p per sheet up to 100 pages

5p per sheet for each additional page above 100

Online (open data portal) or hard copy

Legal and Democratic Services
Members Office, PO Box 503, Town Hall, Middlesbrough, TS1 9FX


Phone: 01642 729753

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Free Online Performance and Policy
PO Box 503, Middlesbrough, TS1 9FX
Phone: 01642 729559
Key statistics on Middlesbrough Free Online

Performance and Partnerships
Phone: 01642 729 210

Marton Avenue Village Green application

Hard copy:

10p per sheet up to 100 pages

5p per sheet for each additional page above 100

Online (open data portal) or hard copy

Legal and Democratic Services
Members Office, PO Box 503, Town Hall, Middlesbrough, TS1 9FX


Phone: 01642 729753

Middlesbrough Library acceptable use policy for the use of public computers Free Online
From all libraries
Central Library
Victoria Square, Middlesbrough, TS1 2AY
Scrutiny Free Online Legal and Democratic Services
Phone: 01642 729714