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Transport schemes FAQs

We're responsible for maintaining and improving Middlesbrough's road network. Traffic schemes are projects to improve our roads. Schemes can vary widely, but they all aim to make our roads safer and more efficient for everyone using them.

We get asked lots of questions about our schemes, including why they're needed and who decides on them. On this page you'll find answers to the questions we get asked most often.

If you have a question which is not answered here, or you'd like to know more about any of our schemes, please email transportconsultation@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Our schemes

Is this scheme really necessary?


Most schemes are the result of residents, councillors, or another stakeholder, asking us to improve the current situation.

We also plan schemes which support our plans to improve the road network in Middlesbrough. Or where we've had reports of near-misses or other incidents and think that infrastructure improvements (for example, a new crossing or traffic calming) would help.

We review all our proposed schemes using a scoring matrix. This lets us compare the costs and benefits of different schemes. These include things like reduced pollution, increased safety, reduced congestion, the financial cost, and any possible disruption to road users.

We also use predictive risk software to analyse all our proposed schemes. A high risk score means that there is a high risk of an accident at the site if nothing changes. Our priority is to plan schemes which reduce risk by improving infrastructure at these sites.

The schemes we decide to go ahead with are those which score highly for potential benefits to the local area.

Where does the funding come from?


Funding for our schemes can come from a few different sources. This includes our own capital funding, support from the Tees Valley Combined Authority, and other external funding.

Funding is only confirmed for the current financial year. If the scheme is delayed, the funding may no longer be available.

What is the environmental impact of this scheme?


When we're scoring projects, we take into account the environmental impact a scheme will have on the local area.

The scheme will only go ahead if it meets essential criteria.


Why do you run consultations?


Our schemes can affect many people and businesses in Middlesbrough. It's essential that we get a clear picture of the possible impact before we decide to progress with the scheme.

Consultations give people the chance to have their say on proposed plans, in a way which is fair, transparent, and open. This helps us to understand their needs and interests.

We add feedback from consultations to the other analysis we do (see the 'our schemes' section for more information) to give us a balanced view. It lets us plan schemes which meet the needs of current and future residents.

How do you consult?


We're always looking at ways to make our consultations more accessible.

This means making them simple, clear, and easy to respond to. We avoid using technical documents if possible.

If we can, we'll encourage you to have your say in less formal ways, like attending workshops and ward surgeries, or taking part in online surveys.

We also have an email address for consultations. You can contact us at transportconsultation@middlesbrough.gov.uk if you have a question or feedback.

If you have questions or comments about a scheme which has already gone ahead, please get in touch. You can contact us at transportconsultation@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Who do you consult?


The amount of consultation we do will depend on the type and size of the proposed scheme. In general, the larger the scheme, the larger impact it will have, and the more people we consult.

It's especially important to get feedback from stakeholders who are directly affected by a scheme, especially if they're in close proximity to the proposed works. Stakeholders include residents, businesses, and councillors. Bigger schemes have more stakeholders - for example, for a scheme on a major road, we may also consult transport operators. We try to include stakeholders' requirements in the design for the scheme whenever we can.

Every scheme has a specific aim, for example, improving safety. Sometimes there's more than one way of achieving that aim. In that case, we'll ask stakeholders which of the possible options they prefer and why. If there's only one possible option, the consultation will be to get feedback on that option.

We always give stakeholders enough time to respond to the consultation.

When do you consult?


It's important to run a consultation at the right time. This is usually when there's still a chance for stakeholders to influence the design of the scheme, or whether we go ahead with it or not.

Consultations work best when we have clear proposals to show stakeholders. This means you have all the information you need to understand the proposed scheme, and we get the most useful feedback possible.

Getting the views of stakeholders early encourages debate, and helps make sure we look at all the available options for a scheme.

The length of the consultation will depend on the type and size of the scheme.

Large schemes

These are: major schemes of wide interest. For example, a large change in a road or junction layout in a busy area.

Consultation period: 13 weeks

Decision maker: Executive Member for Environment and Community Services or Head of Transport and Infrastructure

Medium schemes

These are: schemes with less impact and of more specific interest. For example, changing or upgrading a junction layout or creating a new crossing.

Consultation period: 4 weeks

Decision maker: Head of Transport and Infrastructure

Small schemes

These are: small changes to existing infrastructure. For example, upgrading a crossing that's already in place, or renewing old hardware at traffic signals.

Consultation period: 2 weeks

Decision maker: Principal Engineer or Engineer

What if I disagree with a proposed scheme?


If we've sent you a consultation letter, it will explain how to give feedback. You'll need to say whether you're for or against the scheme, and why.

We look at all responses received before the consultation deadline. In particular, we focus on feedback and evidence from stakeholders who were consulted directly.

We also look at comments made during workshops, seminars, or other meetings held during the consultation period.

You can respond to a consultation by emailing transportconsultation@middlesbrough.gov.uk. You can also send general feedback about the consultation process to the same address.

Once the consultation is over, you will not be able to object to the scheme, so it's important to have your say as soon as possible.

Homes and businesses

Will the scheme affect the value of my house?


There is no evidence that any of our schemes have reduced the value of properties in the area.

Will this create traffic or congestion issues outside my house?


When we're planning new schemes, we look at the surrounding road network and current levels of traffic.

Although some schemes may increase the amount of traffic, in most cases this will be minimal, based on the current levels of traffic and the alternative routes available.

Will nearby properties be disturbed by noise?


The construction works may cause a slight disturbance.

Our schemes very rarely cause an increase in noise once they're finished.

Will I be able to access my home or business during construction?


You'll be able to get in and out of your home at all times during the construction period.

Customers will still be able to visit your business during the construction period. If we need to temporarily restrict access to the area, we'll contact you in advance to let you know.

Will this scheme cause parking issues for nearby homes?


When we're designing a scheme, we look at the parking situation.

In most cases, completed schemes have little or no impact on convenience, safety, or any other parking-related issues.

Walkable neighbourhoods

What is a walkable neighbourhood?


A walkable neighbourhood is a residential area where the amount of vehicles passing through is greatly reduced.

This is done by stopping through-traffic, where vehicles drive through residential areas instead of using the main road, to avoid traffic jams. It's also called 'rat-running'.

A walkable neighbourhood provides a network of streets where people can travel safely by walking, biking, or by bus.

Is a walkable neighbourhood a roadblock?


A walkable neighbourhood is not a roadblock.

Pedestrians and cyclists will have the same access as before.

Cars and vans will still be able to access properties on the street.

The point of a walkable neighbourhood is to block through-traffic, not cut houses off completely.

Will it slow down emergency services?


We take emergency service responses into account for every potential walkable neighbourhood.

When we're designing an walkable neighbourhood scheme, we make sure there are still plenty of different routes available for the emergency services.

We also contact all the emergency services to let them know they'll need to change their routes.

This means the impact on response times will be extremely low.

How will this affect pollution?


The aim of walkable neighbourhoods is to encourage people to travel by walking or cycling, rather than driving. This means traffic is taken off the roads, so pollution is reduced rather than just diverted to other areas.

Will a walkable neighbourhood affect my business?


Evidence has shown that local businesses may actually see increased footfall once a walkable neighbourhood is in place.

Safer and easier walking and cycling routes have been shown to encourage residents to visit local businesses.