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Conservation pre-application advice

From 1 April 2023, we're reintroducing our pre-application advice service. We'll be following a new process, to make things simpler for customers, and to make sure the advice we give is consistent. We'll also be introducing charges for some services.

These changes may affect you if you're looking for pre-application advice about conservation. Find out more about the pre-application advice service.

Listed buildings

Listed building advice is free. This includes:

  • confirmation of whether Listed Building Consent is needed
  • advice about whether your proposals are likely to get Listed Building Consent
  • suggested changes to your proposals to increase the chance of getting Listed Building Consent

For listed building advice, email conservation@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Conservation areas

Advice about developments in conservation areas, registered parks and gardens, and settings of scheduled monuments is split into two:

  1. Confirmation of whether you need planning permission is free.
  2. Advice about whether your proposals are likely to get planning permission, and changes you can make to increase your chance of getting planning permission, is charged for.

To find out more about conservation area advice and the charges, email conservation@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Local list

Advice about developments in local list buildings and sites is split into two:

  1. Confirmation of whether you need planning permission is free.
  2. Advice about whether your proposals are likely to get planning permission, and changes you can make to increase your chance of getting planning permission, is charged for.

To find out more about local list advice and the charges, email conservation@middlesbrough.gov.uk.