Gresham Neighbourhood Area and Forum
Approved on 18 February 2019
Under the Localism Act 2011 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), Middlesbrough Council approved the application for Neighbourhood Area and Forum status in Gresham on 18 February 2019. The newly-designated area will be known as the Gresham Neighbourhood Area.
Gresham Neighbourhood Area and Forum - decision notice
Gresham Neighbourhood Area and Forum - delegated decision
Report on Gresham Neighbourhood Area and Forum applications - determination report
Application documents
- Gresham Neighbourhood Plan appendix 1
- Gresham Neighbourhood Plan appendix 2
- Gresham Neighbourhood Plan appendix 3
- Gresham Neighbourhood Plan appendix 4
- Gresham Neighbourhood Plan application
- Gresham Neighbourhood Plan constitution
- Gresham Neighbourhood Plan covering letter
For more information about this Neighbourhood Plan, or if you're interested in a Neighbourhood Plan for your area, call 01642 729062.