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Marton West Neighbourhood Plan background information

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A successful referendum on the adoption of the Marton West Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 15 July 2021.

View the Marton West Neighbourhood Plan referendum 2021 declaration.

Independent examiner, examination, and decision statement

The current Marton West Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in 2016, following an independent examination and successful referendum. Since 2016 Marton West has undergone a number of changes, including a ward boundary change, which resulted in the De Brus Park area being incorporated into the ward boundary.

As a result of these changes, the Marton West Neighbourhood Forum has reviewed and updated the adopted 2016 Neighbourhood Plan. The Forum submitted its modified Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying documentation (available in the 'Documents' section below) to the council on 18 July 2020.

In accordance with Neighbourhood Planning legislation, we carried out a six-week public consultation event from Monday 14 September 2020 to Monday 26 October 2020. At the same time, and in consultation with the Marton West Neighbourhood Forum, we appointed Rosemary Kidd DipTP, MRTPI of Rosemary Kidd Planning Consultants, to carry out an independent examination into the modified Plan. Following the independent examination, the Examiner issued their report on 26 January 2021. In the report, the Examiner recommended a number of modifications to the proposed policies, so that the Plan and its policies met the 'basic conditions'.

The report also recommended additional minor modifications to improve clarity. Full details of the 'basic conditions' against which the Plan was examined, the recommended modifications, and reasons for these, can be found in the examiner's report.

View the Marton West Modified Neighbourhood Plan including examiner's recommendations.

Having considered the Examiner's report, we accept the recommended modifications, and agree that the 2021-2029 Marton West Modified Neighbourhood Plan can now proceed to a referendum. View our decision statement.

Independent examiner questions

The independent examiner has completed an initial assessment of the Marton West Modified Neighbourhood Plan and has issued the following examination questions and proposed revisions to the wording of policies. The Examiner has asked that a copy of the attached document be forwarded to the Marton West Neighbourhood Forum for consideration. Once the responses have been received from the Forum, they will be added to this page in the interests of openness and transparency.

View the independent examiner questions (14 December 2020)

Responses to the independent examiner questions

In respect of the independent examiner questions, please see below responses:


The following representations and documentation were received as part of our six week Marton West Modified Neighbourhood Plan consultation event (as required under Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)):

Marton West Neighbourhood Forum submission documentation (as submitted under the requirements of Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)):