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Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)

Middlesbrough's Urban Design SPD

Middlesbrough Council formally adopted its Urban Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in January 2013. The Urban Design SPD provides guidance for all development across the town, setting out the design standards the council requires to ensure improvements to the quality of development continue, while also promoting innovation and creativity. The SPD also seeks to encourage and help all parties from householders to large-scale developers achieve a higher standard of design in their planning proposals.

View Middlesbrough's Urban Design Supplementary Planning Document.

Nunthorpe Design Statement SPD

The council adopted the Nunthorpe Design Statement as an SPD in September 2011.

The SPD aims to ensure that future development in Nunthorpe will take account of the key features that characterise the area, and aims to manage and not prevent further change within Nunthorpe in order to maintain the distinctiveness that the residents have become proud of.

The Design Statement provides guidance for changes that require planning permission and as such will be a material consideration within the planning application process. It also provides advisory statements that those making incremental changes within permitted development rights will hopefully consider.

View the Nunthorpe Design Statement SPD.

Land off Trimdon Avenue Development Brief SPD

The council formally adopted the Land off Trimdon Avenue Development Brief SPD in September 2010. The SPD sets out the main planning requirements that development proposals will be expected to meet.

View the Land off Trimdon Avenue Development Brief SPD.

Grove Hill SPD

The Grove Hill Area Regeneration Framework was adopted as an SPD in March 2010.

View the Grove Hill SPD.