Middlesbrough SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) advises Middlesbrough Council on religious education in schools.
A message from the co-chairs of Middlesbrough SACRE:
We like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as the new co-chairs of Middlesbrough SACRE. We are Lisa Antill and Jennifer Surtees, Religious Studies teachers with nearly 30 years' experience between us. We have been teaching in Middlesbrough for 13 and 6 years respectively.
The role of SACRE is to support the Local Authority in creating a suitable syllabus for Middlesbrough, and to then use it to support teachers to ensure high-quality RE is taught in all schools. SACRE is able to bridge the gap between school communities and faith communities in order to promote the understanding of religion and world views.
We can also offer support regarding collective worship and withdrawal from RE as well as practical advice regarding resources and enrichment opportunities.
We recently launched a new agreed syllabus. The syllabus and materials are available on a password-protected page which is linked below. All schools have been provided with a password which will enable them to access these resources.
As chairs of SACRE, we are looking forward to working with you and your RE leads to develop and celebrate RE in your school.
Lisa Antill and Jennifer Surtees
Co-Chairs, Middlesbrough SACRE