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Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013 - 2023

Middlesbrough's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy provides the overarching vision and strategic framework for improving health and wellbeing, and tackling health inequalities in Middlesbrough. It also responds to the priorities identified in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), and considers wider issues affecting health such as housing, education and the environment.

View the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-2023.

Involving the local residents of Middlesbrough was an integral part of the development of the strategy. A number of engagement methods were used to ensure the views of local people were represented in the strategy. These included public engagement events, a forum with partners and the community, and an online survey. View feedback from the consultation.

Priorities highlighted in the strategy require long-term action at a grassroots level to have a lasting and sustainable impact on the health and wellbeing challenges that Middlesbrough faces.