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Adult social care

Getting social care support

Details about how you can be assessed for social care support.


Details of how to report abuse or concerns and information on safeguarding and the Mental Capacity Act.

Everyday living

Home adaptations, avoiding accidents, finances, residential care and staying in your own home.

Independent living

A range of services are available to helpĀ people to stay at home, safely and independently, for longer.

Older people

Older people services including concessionary fares, social care assessments, and residential homes.

Age-friendly Middlesbrough

Developing an age-friendly town, where older people can live happy and healthy lives.

Accessing Change Together

Accessing Change Together gives support with domestic abuse, homelessness, or substance use.

Booklets and leaflets

All booklets, leaflets and fact sheets relating to the department of adult social care.

Care Act 2014

The Care Act 2014 brought in new rules about the provision of adult social care.


Support and information available for carers in Middlesbrough.

Guiding Light project

This project supports a small group of women who are affected by violence and multiple disadvantage.

National data opt-out

You have a choice about whether you want your confidential patient or social care information to be used.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapists help you find ways of carrying out daily tasks, allowing you to remain independent.

Shared Lives

Shared Lives provides a safe, secure home for adults who are not able to live on their own.


Tees Community Equipment Service loans out equipment and medical aids to assist people with daily living.