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Major adaptations service

If you're disabled and need to make changes to your home, our major adaptations service could help. We'll do an assessment to see if you're entitled to a Disabled Facilities Grant, which can be used to pay for home improvements. These improvements are to help you get into and around your home more easily.

What can the Disabled Facilities Grant be used for?


The types of work included are:

  • making it easier to get into and out of your home - for example, by widening doors and installing ramps
  • making sure that you, and other people in the house, are safe - for example, with a room which is specially-adapted so that a disabled person can be safely left unattended, or by making improvements to lighting
  • improving or providing access to the bedroom, living room, kitchen, toilet, or washing facilities - for example, by installing a stair lift or a downstairs bathroom
  • improving or providing a suitable heating system
  • adapting heating or lighting controls to make them easier to use
  • improving access and movement around your home, so you can care for someone else who lives there, like a partner, child, or parent
  • improving access to and from the garden of your home, if this is possible



The Disabled Facilities Grant is means-tested. This means we'll look at things like your income and your savings to decide if you're eligible for a grant.

If you're eligible for a grant, an Occupational Therapist will do an assessment to see what kind of help you need. We need to do this before you get the grant.

Get in touch to find out how we can help. Our friendly staff are available from 8:30am to 5pm (Monday to Thursday), and 8:30am to 4:30pm (Friday).

You can call us on 0800 5875 184 or email stayingputagency@middlesbrough.gov.uk.