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Seasonal support


Supporting your independence and keeping you safe throughout the winter.

Cold winter weather is a big concern to many older, vulnerable, and disabled people, and often they don't know how to get help and support.

We can help you by providing:

  • winter warmth essentials, like fleeces, blankets, hats, gloves, and shoe grippers
  • boiler servicing and repairs 
  • emergency loan heaters
  • practical advice and support

We also provide support with emergency repairs, slow cookers, and carbon monoxide monitors, helping you to stay well this winter. Grant limits may apply for all support.


Supporting your independence across the summer months.

Warm summer weather can cause dehydration and lead to other problems. This could be by not drinking enough fluids, or by losing fluids and not replacing them.

Help to keep cool during the summer by:

  • drinking plenty of water
  • avoiding the sun, and exercising, between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day)
  • remembering to use suncream 
  • having cool baths or showers
  • finding out which room in your home is the coolest, so you know where to go to cool down
  • shut windows and blinds when it's hotter outside - you can reopen them once it's cooler
  • calling NHS on 111 if you feel unwell

If you're being sick or have diarrhoea and are losing too much fluid, you need to replace the sugar, salts, and minerals that your body has lost. You can ask your pharmacist for help.

Get in touch to find out how we can help. Our friendly staff are available from 8:30am to 5pm (Monday to Thursday), and 8:30am to 4:30pm (Friday).

You can call us on 0800 5875 184 or email stayingputagency@middlesbrough.gov.uk.