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Occupational therapy

What is occupational therapy?


Occupational therapists (OTs) provide advice on easier ways of carrying out daily tasks, which can improve your health and wellbeing, and allow you to remain independent.

You can get advice and support on:

  • dressing
  • getting around your home
  • getting in and out of bed
  • getting in and out of your home
  • getting on and off a chair
  • getting on and off the toilet
  • maintaining personal hygiene
  • making a meal or drink for yourself

Occupational therapists can also help you by:

Making a referral


The Adult Social Care Occupational Therapy Team consists of Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants known as Social Care Workers. We're also involved in the education of Occupational Therapy students so occasionally they may be involved in your assessment.

Assessments can be completed for Middlesbrough residents aged 18 years upwards who reside within the boundaries of the Middlesbrough Council area. Referrals can be made by you or a family member, friend or carer, professionals such as your GP, district nurse or social worker.

You can contact the team for advice or to make a referral at:

Phone: 01642 065070

Select option 1 (adult social care), then option 1 again (for Middlesbrough residents).

Email: adultaccessteam@middlesbrough.gov.uk

In writing:

South Tees Single Point of Access
Daisy Lane
TS7 9LF.

Once your referral has been received, someone from the Occupational Therapy team will contact you and arrange to visit you at home to complete an assessment.



Anyone over the age of 18 years and living in Middlesbrough is entitled to an assessment of their needs.

The assessment will determine whether or not you're eligible for services, and is based on the Care Act 2014 eligibility criteria. Read more about the Care Act 2014 eligibility criteria.

Other useful resources


The Royal College of Occupational Therapists tells you about the role of the occupational therapist and how occupational therapy may benefit you.

The Health and Care Professions Council are the regulating body for health, psychological, and social work professionals including occupational therapists. For further information or to check the register, visit their website.

Children with disabilities occupational therapy service


Occupational therapists (OTs) offer help, assessment and advice to parents and carers of disabled children and young people where a child’s illness or disability may have an impact on daily life such as bathing, toileting, mobility around the home, moving and handling etc.

Our Children's OTs have many years' experience of working with children with disabilities in a variety of health, education and social care settings. They are based with the Children with Disabilities Social Work team at Hemlington Health Centre.

Referrals can be accepted for children aged 0-18 years, whatever their disability, from parents, carers and professional colleagues, if there is an impact on their daily living skills at home.

Once a referral has been received, the OTs will carry out an assessment with you and your child to identify their needs within the home.

The focus of the work will be to enable your child to be as independent and safe as possible, depending on their disability. This may be by giving advice and information, equipment, or minor works or adaptations to your home.

OTs will work closely with other health and social care and education colleagues who are involved with your child’s care. We'll also work closely with local housing associations when rehousing is the only solution to meet long term needs.

Children's OTs can be accessed by through the First Contact team.

Phone: 01642 726004

Email: firstcontact@middlesbrough.gov.uk