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Revenues and Benefits performance

Performance against our targets

Criteria Target 1 Apr 2023 - 30 Nov 2023 1 Apr 2022 - 31 Mar 2023 1 Apr 2021 - 31 Mar 2022 1 Apr 2020 - 31 Mar 2021
New claims - Housing Benefit 26 days 22.74 days 25.37 days 23.73 days 20.20 days
New claims - Housing Benefit / Council Tax Reduction 30 days 21.51 days 27.78 days 23.25 days 23.24 days
Changes in circumstances - Housing Benefit 13 days 5.59 days 4.08 days 5.78 days 3.09 days
Changes in circumstances - Housing Benefit / Council Tax Reduction 17 days 4.95 days 4.37 days 5.16 days 3.73 days

Housing Benefit overpayments

30% 17.08% 20.01% 20.53% 18.04%

Council Tax collection

94.30% 70.07% 92.81% 91.42% 92.58%
Business Rates collection 96.30% 73.49% 96.99% 98.37% 98.59%