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Business Rates relief

Some properties are eligible for a discount on their Business Rates. This is called 'Business Rates relief'.

There are different types of Business Rates relief available, depending on your circumstances.

For more information about Business Rates relief, including any reliefs not listed on this page, visit the Business Rates relief page on GOV.UK. If you still cannot find what you're looking for, please email us at ndr@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Retail, hospitality, and leisure relief

You could be eligible for a discount on your Business Rates if you run a shop, leisure, or hospitality business.

Small business rate relief (SBRR)

Small business rate relief is a Business Rates discount. It depends on your property's rateable value.

Unoccupied commercial property relief

Properties which are empty will not be charged Business Rates for the first three months.

Transitional relief

Transitional relief limits how much your bill can change each year as a result of business rates revaluation.

Charitable rate relief

Charities and registered community amateur sports clubs can get up to 80% relief on their Business Rates.

Discretionary relief

We may be able to offer discretionary Business Rates relief to certain non-domestic properties.

Hardship relief

You may be able to claim hardship relief to reduce the amount of Business Rates you have to pay.