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Report child abuse or neglect

Report child abuse or neglect

There are different types of child abuse, including:

  • physical – being hurt in a way which causes cuts, bruises, or broken bones
  • emotional – including shouting, name calling, threatening, and controlling
  • sexual – making a child take part in sexual acts, or touching them inappropriately
  • neglect – not providing for the child's basic needs, including food, drink, clean clothes, and sleep

There are other kinds of abuse too. You can find out more about all the types of abuse on the NSPCC website.

All child abuse is wrong, even if the abuser thinks they have a good reason for doing it. If you're worried that you, or a child you know, are being abused, you must report it.

If you think the child is in immediate danger, call 999.

Otherwise, call Middlesbrough Multi-Agency Children's Hub on 01642 726004. It's helpful if you can give us as much information as you can, for example, who the abuser(s) might be, and whether you've noticed any signs of abuse (like bruises) or neglect (like looking unclean).