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Problems on streets and public areas

Abandoned vehicles

We can deal with abandoned and untaxed vehicles. Let us know if there's a problem.


We have over 500 alleygates to keep people and properties safe. Report a problem or request a key here.

Dog waste

You're legally required to clean up your dog's waste from public areas. You could be fined if you do not.


Fly-posting means placing posters or stickers in public without permission, for example on lampposts or bins.

Fly tipping

We investigate all fly tipping reports within 2 working days.


We remove offensive or racist graffiti on council-owned land or buildings within 2 working days.


We pick up litter in streets, parks, and open spaces regularly. Let us know if there's a problem.

Litter and dog bins

Details of how we'll deal with requests for new litter bins and dog waste bins.

Needles and syringes

We collect disused needles from council-owned land including roads and pavements within 2 hours.

Street cleaning

We clean streets, parks, and open spaces regularly. Let us know if there's a problem.