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Over 500 alleygates are installed throughout Middlesbrough to reduce burglaries where access can be gained to the rear of a property from an alley, and also to help reduce arson, fly tipping and anti-social behaviour. This in turn can lead to improved community spirit and give residents a sense of ownership of the alleys.

How do I get or return a key?

Gates should be locked at all times when they're not in use. You'll need an alleygate key to do this. Please call 01642 245432 to request a key.

You'll need to provide two forms of ID before you can get a key. You'll also need to pay an £8 deposit, which you'll get back when you return the key.

If you need to return a key, call 01642 245432 for more information.

How do I report a problem with a gate?

You can report problems with alleygates using Report It.

Alternatively you can call the Environment Contact Centre on 01642 726001.