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Green strategy

We're committed to making Middlesbrough a greener town, so we're taking immediate action to help tackle climate change and make Middlesbrough a leader on environmental issues.

So far we've pledged to plant thousands of trees, sow urban flower meadows, become a more bee-friendly town, restore biodiversity in existing nature reserves, and work with residents and businesses to reduce waste and increase recycling rates.

Our green action plan

Our green action plan aims to make Middlesbrough greener, and improve things for us and the planet.

Tips for going greener

We can all make small changes to be more environmentally friendly and help the planet.

Buzz in Boro

Eco tree hives are being installed across the town centre, as well as bug hotels in community spaces.

Tree City of the World

Middlesbrough is a Tree City of the World, which celebrates places that create green space in urban areas.

Urban meadows

Creating and managing grassland with a range of different plant species helps improve biodiversity.