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Highway asset management and policy

Highway Infrastructure Maintenance Plan

The Highway Maintenance Plan, Street Lighting Maintenance Management plan, and Structures Maintenance Manage Plan have all been replaced by Highway Infrastructure Maintenance Plan.

View the Highway Infrastructure Maintenance Plan

Highway Maintenance Specification

The Highway Maintenance Specification gives guidance to maintenance engineers on selecting appropriate materials and treatments for use. Advice is given on the use of both conventional and specialist products, and in their appropriateness to the various road hierarchy categories.

View the Highway Maintenance Specification.

Highway Network Management Plan

The highway network is one of the most valuable assets that a local authority owns, so looking after the it should be a key priority for every council. The Tees Valley councils have collaborated to produce the Highway Network Management Plan, which is drawn from three codes of practice produced by the UK Roads Liaison Group for the maintenance of street lighting, bridges, tunnels and other structures, as well as carriageways and footways.

View the Highway Network Management Plan.

Resilient network plan

The resilient network plan states how we identify and give priority to parts of the road network in regards to maintenance and other measures in order to minimise the risk to the town both in terms of economy and in access.

View the resilient network plan.

Highway Infrastructure Maintenance Plan


The Middlesbrough Highway Infrastructure Maintenance Plan has been developed to conform to the recommendations set out in the 'well-managed highway infrastructure' code of practice, published in October 2016 and founded on the key principles of best value and risk assessment.

View the Highway Infrastructure Maintenance Plan

Highway Asset Management Communication Plan


As an open and accountable organisation, we are committed to ensuring effective communication takes place throughout our service area. The Communication Plan contains our strategy to communicate with our key stakeholders and ensures we are engaging in two-way communication.

View the Highway Asset Management Communication Plan.

Pothole Fund application



The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced in the Budget 2018 that the Government was allocating £420 million in the 2018/19 financial year for local highways maintenance, including the report of potholes, to keep local bridges and structures open and safe, as well as to help aid other minor highway works that may be needed.

As part of this funding stream, Middlesbrough Council was allocated £812,000 and funded the following works:

  • replacement of Stainton Way Vehicle Restraint System
  • repair of damaged section of A66 Vehicle Restraint System
  • carriageway planing and patching programme - various locations
  • A66 carriageway resilience works - various locations
  • resurfacing sections of the following carriageways:
    1. A66 Eastbound - Newport roundabout bridge to Hartington Interchange
    2. A66 Westbound - Hartington Interchange to Newport Roundabout bridge
    3. Acklam Road - Ayresome Green Lane to Barnaby Avenue
    4. Bethune Road - Northern Road to Maldon Road
    5. Bishop Street - West Lane to Corder Road
    6. Corder Road - Stockton Road to Connaught Road
    7. Crathorne Crescent - Maldon Road to no. 21 and Maldon Road to no. 29
    8. Heywood Street - northbound and southbound lanes at traffic island at Cannon Park interchange, and southbound lanes only from Cannon Park interchange to pelican crossing on Ayresome Grange Road
    9. Tees Newport Bridge Approach Road - Newport roundabout island to boundary with Stockton Council River Tees

Highway Inspection Manual


Middlesbrough Council - in complying with its duty to maintain the highway as outlined within Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980 and for the purposes of Section 58, which provides for special defence - undertakes inspections of all adopted highways within the borough.

The Highway Safety Inspection Manual was reviewed in 2018 to reflect the recommendations set out in the code of practice 'Well-managed Highway Infrastructure' and the council's Highway Infrastructure Maintenance Plan 2018. The purpose of the document is to assist highway safety inspectors to carry out their duties in a systematic and consistent way, following clear and easily understood criteria.

View the Highway Safety Inspection Manual.

Transport Asset Management Plan


The purpose of the Transport Asset Management Plan is to set out an approach for the management of Middlesbrough Council's transport asset. Based upon the CSS framework document for Highway Asset Management Plans, the plan pulls together all the relevant strategies, goals, objectives, plans and methods in use within the council, and within the Planning and Transportation department for managing transport in the borough.

View the Transport Asset Management Plan part 1.

View the Transport Asset Management Plan part 2.

The Transport Asset Management Plan part 3 will be developed following formal approval of parts 1 and 2.

You can also view the previous Transport Asset Management Plan from November 2007.

Four-year Highway Maintenance Plan


The four-year Highway Maintenance Plan is a list of proposed highway maintenance schemes which we've scheduled to take place over a four-year period. We're currently compiling the latest Highway Maintenance Plan, covering the period 2025 to 2029.

We carry out regular condition surveys of the highway network and store the data in asset management databases.

Each year we review the Highway Maintenance Programme, and compile a new plan in consultation with:

  • highway inspectors
  • ward councillors
  • community councils
  • residents
  • other stakeholders

We also consider influencing factors like:

  • council and government objectives
  • available funding
  • priority routes (A, B, and C roads, bus routes etc.)
  • treatment choices
  • material life spans
  • environmental efficiency
  • current condition and expected deterioration
  • shopping areas
  • schools
  • disabled access or residents with poor mobility

Information about our carriageway resurfacing, and footway, verge, and street lighting works planned for 2024 to 2025 is available in the document below. Some documents are still being written and will be available soon.


Carriageway resurfacing programme 2024-2025 - classified roads

Carriageway resurfacing programme 2024-2025 - unclassified roads

Carriageway resurfacing programme 2024-2025 - additional carriageway resurfacing schemes, footway repairs, and verge repairs

Cross-boundary agreement - Middlesbrough Council and Redcar and Cleveland Council


The cross-boundary agreement between Middlesbrough Council and Redcar & Cleveland Council, legally formalises an agreement between the authorities with regards to highway services carried out at highway authority boundary crossing points. Similar agreements are currently being developed with Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, Hambleton Borough Council, and North Yorkshire County Council.

View the cross-boundary agreement with Redcar & Cleveland Council.

Traffic Network Management Plan


The purpose of the Traffic Network Management Plan is to demonstrate the arrangements for delivering the Network Management Duty by setting out the council's approach to managing the network to the benefit of users. It will also provide evidence of the policies that the council is actively pursuing to ensure the more expeditious movement of traffic on its network. This plan has been developed through working in partnership with other local traffic authorities in the north of England.

View the Traffic Network Management Plan.

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy


A key new duty of the Floods and Water Management Act 2010 is for Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFA) to develop a local strategy for managing local flood risk. It must set objectives for managing flood risk, in the context of a local strategy. Objectives for local strategies should be consistent with the strategic objectives and guiding principles set out in the national strategy.

View the Middlesbrough Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.